Conservation DistList
Cumulative Author Index


Da Rocha, Silvia Alexandra
Course on fluid preservation of biological specimens , (11-04-2013)
Air quality , (06-09-2016)

Da Silva, Ines Maria Marques
Internship sought , (06-01-1999)
Smoke machines , (08-23-2002)

Da Silva, Injs Maria Marques
Leather wine container , (05-27-1999)
Wet leather , (05-27-1999)

Dabney, Karen
Board shears , (03-23-2001)
Certification , (11-25-2002)
Certification , (12-06-2002)
Books on pest management , (04-30-2003)
Spine labeling , (10-21-2003)
pH meters , (03-04-2013)
Picture book on conservation , (09-11-2013)

Dabney, Karen L.
Lab design , (10-04-2007)

Daffner, Lee Ann
AIC Photographic Materials Group , (01-09-2003)
PMG Winter Meeting , (01-28-2003)
AIC Photographic Materials Group--addendum , (02-26-2003)
Fellowship at Museum of Modern Art , (11-09-2007)
Position at Museum of Modern Art , (12-15-2009)
MOMA project on modern photographs , (12-15-2014)

D'Agostino, Vanessa
Indoor air pollution , (02-05-2004)

Dahl, Betsy
Fellowship at Walters Art Museum , (04-28-2016)
Position at Walters Art Museum , (07-01-2016)
Position at Walters Art Museum , (07-22-2016)

Dahl, Nola
New online forum: , (06-20-2014)

Dahl, Per
Position at Swedish National Archives , (10-03-2000)

Dahl, Samuel A.
Masonite support , (02-02-2004)

Dahlo, Rolf
International standard for permanent paper--ISO/CD 11108 , (04-08-1994)
Text of ISO/CD 11108 , (04-11-1994)
ISO standards for documents , (01-04-1999)
ISO 9706 reapproved , (08-21-1999)

Dahm, Kristi
Fellowship at Art Institute of Chicago , (02-17-2005)
Fellowship at Art Institute of Chicago , (02-17-2005)

Dailey, Barbie
Cold storage , (03-16-2000)
HEPA filters for cold storage , (09-23-2000)

Dalbey, Jamie L.
Workshop on care of book collections , (10-15-2015)

Dale, Kronkright
Position at Museum of New Mexico , (02-24-1999)

Dale, Maria Saffiotti
Bloom on lead , (01-25-2005)

Dale, Robin
Call for symposium speakers and participants , (08-17-1994)
PARS program on photographic and recording media , (06-28-1996)
RLG PRESERV web site , (03-04-1997)
RLG DigiNews , (04-30-1997)
RLG DigiNews , (08-18-1997)
Workshop on managing digital imaging projects , (08-18-1997)
RLG DigiNews , (12-16-1997)
RLG DigiNews , (02-19-1998)
RLG DigiNews , (04-23-1998)
RLG DigiNews , (06-23-1998)
Conference on digital imaging guidelines , (07-21-1998)
RLG DigiNews , (08-20-1998)
Survey on preparation of materials to be digitized , (09-01-1998)
RLG DigiNews , (10-19-1998)
Digital archiving , (03-13-2000)
RLG DigiNews , (04-17-2000)
Publication on digital imaging , (05-12-2000)
RLG DigiNews , (06-15-2000)
Guides to quality in visual resource imaging , (07-18-2000)
RLG DigiNews , (08-14-2000)
RLG DigiNews , (10-16-2000)
RLG DigiNews , (12-18-2000)
RLG DigiNews , (12-16-2002)
RLG DigiNews , (04-15-2004)
RLG DigiNews , (08-16-2005)
Publication on digital repositories , (03-09-2007)
RLG DigiNews final issue , (04-20-2007)

Dale, Robin L.
RLG DigiNews , (02-14-2001)
RLG DigiNews , (04-15-2001)
RLG DigiNews , (08-15-2001)
Draft report on digital repositories , (08-30-2001)
Call for nominations--Esther J. Piercy Award , (10-10-2001)
RLG DigiNews , (10-15-2001)
ERPANET , (11-30-2001)
RLG DigiNews , (12-17-2001)
New list: oais-implementers , (02-04-2002)
Position at Oxford , (02-12-2002)
RLG DigiNews , (02-15-2002)
RLG DigiNews , (04-15-2002)
Report on trusted digital repositories , (05-07-2002)
Forum on standards for digital preservation , (06-03-2002)
RLG DigiNews , (08-14-2002)
RLG DigiNews , (02-18-2003)
RLG DigiNews , (08-18-2003)
RLG DigiNews , (12-15-2003)
ALCTS/PARS Cooperative Preservation Programs Discussion Group , (01-02-2004)
RLG DigiNews , (08-17-2004)
RLG DigiNews , (10-15-2004)
RLG DigiNews , (12-14-2004)
RLG DigiNews , (12-14-2004)
Checklist for certifying digital repositories , (08-31-2005)
RLG DigiNews , (10-18-2005)
Digital repositories , (01-09-2006)
Digital Preservation Discussion Group , (01-18-2006)
RLG DigiNews , (04-19-2006)
RLG DigiNews , (06-21-2006)
RLG DigiNews , (08-24-2006)
RLG DigiNews , (12-18-2006)

D'Alessandro, Laura
Position at University of Chicago , (09-24-1999)
Position at University of Chicago , (03-30-2000)
Internship at the Oriental Institute Museum , (06-09-2000)
Internship at the Oriental Institute Museum , (03-06-2001)
Internship at Oriental Institute Museum , (03-19-2002)
Internship at Oriental Institute Museum , (12-17-2002)
Internship at Oriental Institute Museum , (03-22-2005)
Position at Oriental Institute Museum , (08-13-2010)
Position at Oriental Institute , (10-18-2013)
Call for papers--American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) annual meeting , (01-16-2014)
Position at Oriental Institute , (08-28-2014)

Daley, Andrea
Workshops on conservation of paintings and prints , (06-26-2002)

Daley, David
Nozzle for vacuum cleaner , (09-12-2005)

Dalley, Jane
Biocontaminants , (07-24-1999)
CAC Annual Conference and Workshops , (04-06-2011)

Dallwitz, Rebecca Leah
Chinese dragons , (04-03-2007)

Dalton, Carolyn
Position at Doncaster Museum , (01-19-2005)

Dalton, Kara
Position at National Gallery, London , (12-01-2011)

Dalton, Steve
Course on care of oversize and unusual paper artifacts , (06-19-1996)

Daly, Cathy
Equipment for archaeological conservation sought , (03-24-1999)
Position at ArchCon Labs Ltd. , (05-29-2001)
Position at Arch Con Labs Ltd. , (01-15-2002)
Publication on conservation of contemporary art , (12-17-2002)

Daly, Claire
Consolidant , (05-31-2006)
Translation sought , (03-01-2007)
French 18th century gilding , (09-13-2007)
ICON Gilding and Decorative Surfaces Group , (05-14-2008)
ICON Gilding and Decorative Surfaces Group Conference , (12-11-2008)
ICON Gilding and Decorative Surfaces Group Conference , (01-29-2009)
ICON Gilding and Decorative Surfaces Group Conference , (04-01-2009)
Workshop on gilding , (10-08-2009)
ICON Gilding and Decorative Surfaces Group , (02-05-2010)
Tour and lectures at Marianne North Gallery, Kew Gardens , (01-14-2011)
Seminar on frames , (01-27-2011)

Daly, Coralina
Position at Iowa State University , (11-22-2002)
Position at Iowa State University , (12-09-2002)

Daly, Kevin
Call for papers--AIC Architecture Specialty Group , (07-31-2007)
Placement sought for Asian Cultural Council fellow , (11-09-2008)

Daly, Rose
Environmental management and sustainability , (09-29-2009)

Dambrogio, Jana
Guild of Book Workers--Potomac chapter , (09-12-2005)
Guild of Book Workers--Potomac chapter , (02-24-2006)
Presentation on Hurricane Katrina , (04-11-2006)
Guild of Book Workers--Potomac chapter , (08-25-2006)
Lecture by Willman Spawn , (03-27-2009)

Dambrogio, Jana L.
Preservation Week , (04-07-2014)

Dand, Catherine
Call for papers--Archives and Records Association Annual Conference , (01-10-2016)
Archives and Records Association Annual Conference , (04-08-2016)
Archives and Records Association Annual Conference--addendum , (07-22-2016)

D'Andrea, Catherine
Conservator in Ethiopia sought , (02-08-2016)

Dandridge, Pete
Preparing molds of bones , (03-28-2003)

Dani, Anya
Internship at Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology (OIST) , (02-18-2015)

Daniel, Kelm
Workshop on paste papers , (04-07-2009)

Daniel, Shanna
Mammoth tooth , (12-03-2007)

Daniel, Shanna LaRea
Polysulfide resin offgassing , (10-14-2014)

Daniel, Vinod
Course on pest control , (10-20-1993)
Workshop on pest control , (07-12-1995)
Effect of freezing on museum artefacts , (07-02-1996)
Workshop on pest control , (01-02-1997)
Workshop on Integrated Pest Management , (04-10-1997)
Alternatives to naphthalene for entomology collection , (07-22-1997)
Anoxic storage , (06-17-1998)
Workshop on environment , (02-03-1999)
Workshop on the museum building and environment , (05-19-2000)
Call for papers--Biodeterioration , (01-10-2001)
Call for paper--Biodeterioration of cultural property , (03-26-2001)
Conference on biodeterioration , (08-09-2001)
Workshop on environment , (02-19-2002)
Course on museum buildings , (05-22-2002)
Workshop on preventive conservation , (06-16-2003)
Call for papers--Preservation of cultural heritage , (03-02-2004)
Light fading of natural history specimens , (04-22-2004)
Position at Australian Museum , (12-14-2006)
Workshop on Pacific museums and cultural centres , (03-16-2007)
Position at Australian Museum , (09-09-2008)
Call for papers--ICOM-CC , (03-22-2010)

Daniels, Vincent
Bark cloth samples sought , (02-19-1998)

Dann, Orelia
Workshop on archival collections , (02-22-2010)
Workshop on photograph identification and preservation , (03-29-2010)
Presentations on environmental management and sustainability , (04-21-2010)
Colloquium on photographic preservation , (05-27-2010)
Conference on storage strategies for cultural collections , (07-06-2010)
Conference on preservation of East Asian art , (08-11-2010)

Dannhauser, Dave
Preservation of newspapers , (02-24-1997)
Double-sided tape , (03-17-1998)
Filmoplast P1 tape , (03-15-1999)

Danzing, Rachel
Solander Boxes , (01-30-2004)
Digitizing X-radiographs , (03-10-2006)

D'Arcangelo, Dominica
Communicating conservation , (07-11-2004)
Low-tech preventive conservation techniques , (08-09-2011)

Dardes, Kathleen
Call for Papers: Effectiveness in education and training , (04-25-1997)
Professional qualifications , (02-10-1999)

Dardes, Kathy
Course on historic buildings, collections and sites , (10-01-2002)

D'Arienzo, Daria
Cigarette smoke as a preservation concern , (01-29-1992)
Security strips , (05-14-1992)

Darro, Sarah
Conference on photograph identification and preservation , (05-30-2013)
Position at CCAHA , (06-26-2015)
Position at CCAHA , (12-17-2015)

Datawrangler, Marcia Segal
Lantern slides , (03-18-2006)

Daulton, Christine
Louis Grell , (10-25-1996)

Daunt, Catherine
Conference on Tudor and Jacobean painting , (07-27-2010)

Dauwalder, Lea
Herbarium , (10-11-2011)

David, Crook
Position at Public Record Office, Kew , (12-21-1998)

David, Frances
Protective covers for outdoor stone sculpture , (09-10-2003)

Davidson, Amy
Workshop on adhesives for paleontology collections , (08-08-2006)
Paper adhered to fossil vertebrates , (01-07-2010)

Davidson, Angela
Archival board offered , (10-12-1992)

Davidson, Flora
Pharmaceuticals , (02-21-1999)
Pharmaceutical bottles , (08-27-2000)

Davidson, Joy
Workshop on DSpace installation , (07-24-2003)
Eprint repository , (08-06-2003)
Workshop on Audit and Certification , (02-03-2004)

Davies, Arfon
UV monitors , (07-31-2003)
UV and glazing , (08-22-2003)

Davies, Beky
Call for papers--Icon Ceramics and Glass Group , (11-04-2009)
Icon Ceramics and Glass Group conference , (02-01-2010)

Davies, Bethan J.
Copper damaged by urine , (08-24-2008)

Davies, Emelie
Position at the National Trust , (02-01-2006)
Position at the National Trust , (10-26-2006)

Davies, Emiko
Salvaging water-damaged photographs in enclosures , (02-17-2010)
Alcan a Paris , (04-20-2010)

Davies, Kim B.
Position at Museum of Archaeology, Stavanger , (10-15-2008)
Position at Museum of Archaeology, Stavanger , (10-15-2008)

Davies, Kim Borrowman
Position at Museum of Archaeology, Stavanger , (07-18-2007)

Davies, Mary
Position at Horniman Museum , (04-04-2014)

Davies, Rachel
Presentation on handling photographic materials , (09-23-1994)

Davies, Sharon
Position at National Coal Mining Museum for England , (03-19-2007)

Davis, Barbara
Eye to Eye Magazine , (03-05-2008)

Davis, Betty Jean
Position at Indiana University , (08-20-2001)
Position at Indiana University , (10-08-2001)
Position at Indiana University , (02-19-2003)

Davis, Charles
Articles on board reattachment sought , (10-14-1995)
Cellulose ethers , (10-16-1996)
Long-term effects of solvent treatment on paper and media , (05-17-1999)
Newspapers , (03-17-2004)

Davis, Dionti
James A. Lindner Digital Archive Summer Fellowship , (02-04-2016)

Davis, Heather
Position at Lancashire County Museum Service (LCMS) , (12-20-2006)
Position at Lancashire County Museum Service (LCMS) , (04-10-2007)
Position at Lancashire County Museum Service (LCMS)--corrigendum , (04-16-2007)
Position at Lancashire County Museum Service (LCMS) , (05-15-2007)
Position at Lancashire County Museum Service (LCMS) , (07-22-2015)

Davis, John A.
Suction table for sale , (06-07-2013)

Davis, Judy
Internship at HABS/HAER/HALS Positions at HABS/HAER/HALS , (12-03-2007)
Fellowships at HABS/HAER/HALS , (12-09-2008)
Internship at HABS/HAER/HALS , (12-09-2008)
Positions at HABS/HAER/HALS , (12-09-2008)

Davis, Lisa
Position at the National Trust , (10-09-2008)
Position at the National Trust--corrigendum , (10-13-2008)
Position at the National Trust--corrigendum , (10-14-2008)

Davis, Mary Jo
Vacuum cleaners , (11-13-1996)
Stamps , (11-15-1996)

Davis, Samantha
Position at Imperial War Museums (IWM) , (11-10-2011)

Davis, Scott
Interleaving paper , (07-28-2003)

Davis, Sheryl
Air filtration systems , (10-05-1993)
Disaster recovery supply estimates , (12-14-1993)
Cooperative Programs Discussion Group , (01-10-1995)
Cooperative Preservation Programs Discussion Group meeting , (03-08-1995)
Cooperative Preservation Programs Discussion Group , (05-05-1995)
Sprinkler head recall , (07-23-2001)
Position at UC Riverside , (08-11-2005)

Davis, Sue
Book repair video , (02-10-1992)
Marking microfilm , (05-08-1992)
Condoms , (09-14-1992)
Alternatives to SELIN labels , (10-15-1992)
Ozone , (10-30-1992)
Preservation planning software , (12-17-1992)

Davis, Suzanne
Salaries , (04-29-2003)
Carbon coating objects for SEM/EDS , (01-23-2004)
Positions in Iran , (03-27-2007)
Survey on financial compensation for archaeological conservators , (10-25-2010)
Fellowship at Kelsey Museum of Archaeology , (05-05-2011)
Call for papers--Conservation and site preservation in the Near East , (01-14-2013)
Position at Kelsey Museum of Archaeology , (10-24-2013)

Davis, Vicki
Propolis , (10-29-1996)
CHIN databases , (03-25-1997)
Citation sought , (11-13-1998)
PHOCUS records in BCIN , (04-25-2001)
Conservation Information Network , (05-29-2001)
Conservation fiction , (10-16-2001)
Workshop on Japanese paper conservation techniques , (01-22-2002)
Preservation web site for the general public , (05-22-2002)
Symposium on preservation of electronic records , (04-08-2003)
Publication sought , (04-21-2006)

Dawes, Bill
Newsgroup and mailing list on color and coloring--Call For Votes , (01-08-1996)

Dawes, William
Newsgroup and mailing list on color and coloring , (10-27-1995)

Dawson, Andrew
Course on fasciculing , (06-24-2013)
Conservation equipment for sale , (11-04-2015)
Workbenches for sale , (02-16-2016)

Dawson, Brent
Position at State Library of New South Wales , (09-13-2013)

Dawson, Jenny
Faded photograph prints , (12-04-2006)

Dawson, Julie
Conference on conservation of ancient Egyptian objects , (02-03-2007)

Day, Colleen
Adhesive for waterlogged wood , (09-17-1999)
Shellac stains in terracotta , (12-12-2007)

Day, John
Vacuum hot table for sale , (07-01-2016)

Day, Julia
Call for papers--ICOM-CC Experts meeting on enamel on metal , (05-06-2009)
AIC Objects Specialty Group election , (03-05-2010)
Replacement for Tetex , (03-30-2010)
ICOM-CC Experts meeting on enamel on metal , (08-23-2010)
Internship at the Frick Collection , (01-06-2014)
Internship at the Frick Collection , (12-04-2014)
Internship at the Frick Collection , (11-12-2015)

Day, Laura
Position at Tate , (05-15-2003)
Internship at Tate, London , (07-04-2003)
Position at Tate , (02-16-2006)
Positions at Tate , (04-18-2006)

Day, Suzanne
Vacuum table for sale , (01-14-2013)

De Alarcao, Catarina Gersao
Desalination of polychrome limestone altarpieces , (09-13-2005)
Consolidating polychrome limestone altarpieces , (09-13-2005)

De Bella, Luca Richard
Saliva , (05-13-2002)

De Bellaigue, Diana
Position at Bowes Museum , (07-14-2006)

De Bobadilla, Teresa Fernandez
Mounting large photographs , (07-19-2002)

De Bovis, Marianne
Paper and cardboard models , (04-13-2010)

De Brisis, Isabelle
ICCROM Field Project , (10-20-2006)
Course on conservation of Japanese paper , (02-20-2008)
Course on mosaics , (04-27-2010)
Course on sound and image collections , (11-15-2010)
Course on sound and image collections , (01-08-2013)
Course on conservation of Japanese paper , (01-08-2013)
Conference on sound and image heritage , (12-04-2014)

De Chavez, Kate Payne
Durham Putty , (10-14-2008)

De Cools, Marie-Alix
Lifting pastedown , (08-03-2016)

De Cornulier, Dagna
Solvent gels , (11-08-2000)

De de Bobadilla, Teresa Fernanz
Flaking oil paint on paper , (01-21-2004)
Ink on paper , (03-02-2006)

De Gopegui, Carlos Burges Ruiz
New open source software for condition reports , (09-23-2010)

De Greeuw, Rob
Position at Rijksmuseum , (05-21-2008)
Position at Rijksmuseum , (07-23-2008)

De Groot, Henk
Source for collagen , (12-16-1998)
Source for collagen , (12-17-1998)

De Haan, Barbara
European Standard EN 15898 , (09-28-2015)

De Herder, Hans
White gloves , (04-25-1997)
Position at Nationaal Fotorestauratie Atelier , (10-07-1997)

De Heus, Daniel
Compact storage of wet collections , (07-12-2000)

De Jonge, Jasmine
Surface cleaning with brushes , (03-10-1997)

De la Cruz, Vera
Painting damaged by bat excrement , (05-28-2010)
Call for volunteers--English-Spanish translation , (10-22-2010)

De la Rie, Rene
Fellowship at NARA , (08-29-2003)
Position at University of Amsterdam , (10-03-2013)

De las Casas, Marcela Rossello
Anoxia , (01-29-2002)

De Lucioni, Irela Nunez
Kodak film codes , (10-28-1997)
Liquid gate printing , (10-28-1997)
Copying deteriorated acetate film , (11-13-1997)

De Lusenet, Yola
New list--EPIC-LST , (03-04-1996)
Workshop on management of photographic collections , (04-29-2003)
Conference on photographic collections , (05-28-2003)
Conference on photographic collections--addendum , (07-17-2003)
Publication on cataloging photographic collections , (07-08-2004)
SEPIADES software tool , (10-25-2004)
Training for Audiovisual Preservation in Europe (TAPE) , (12-21-2004)
Questionnaire on audiovisual collections , (06-15-2005)
Workshop on audiovisual collections , (06-28-2005)
Conference on digital preservation , (09-20-2005)
Workshop on audiovisual collections , (01-19-2006)
Workshop on audiovisual collections , (12-12-2006)
Report on digital heritage , (08-06-2007)
Course on preservation of audio and video collections , (09-11-2007)
Workshop on preservation of audiovisual materials , (02-05-2008)
Publication on audio and video carriers , (02-21-2008)
New site--Digitization workflow for audio tape , (03-06-2008)
Publication on audiovisual collections , (03-11-2008)

De Marques, Raquel Rocha
Filling a large Loss , (10-31-2013)

De Meio, Albina
Dartek , (05-27-2015)

De Mendonca, Beatriz Fonseca
Cleaning polyurethane rubber , (12-19-2014)

De Oliveira, Thais Biazioli
Survey on Letraset dry transfer media , (06-21-2016)

De Pinedo, Kepa Castro Ortiz
International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology , (06-08-2008)

De Polo, Andrea
Photographic conservation resources , (02-22-1998)
Source for albumen paper , (05-10-1998)
Workshop on photographic conservation , (10-19-2000)
Workshop on photographic conservation , (12-19-2000)
Fire suppression systems , (02-06-2001)

De Poulpiquet, Anne Claire
Questionnaire on barkcloth conservation , (10-25-2009)

De Roemer, Stephanie
Call for papers--ICOM-CC Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration Working Group Interim Meeting , (05-06-2015)
ICOM-CC Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration Working Group Interim Meeting , (08-03-2015)

De Roy, Judy
Endoscope camera , (05-06-2013)

De Sa, Susana Franca
Survey on polyurethane , (02-09-2014)

De Silva, Megan
LED lighting , (06-27-2010)
Conference: Conservation and the Bigger picture , (05-15-2014)

De Silva, Megan L.
Call for papers--Conference: Conservation and the Bigger picture , (03-26-2014)
Call for papers--Conference on conservation in Wales , (09-23-2014)

De Smet, Elke
Removing permanent ink from paper , (07-11-2011)

De Sousa, Joao Aires
Organic chemistry curriculum , (08-14-1998)

De Souza, Cynthia
Call for applications--The Material Life of Things Project , (02-17-2010)

De Souza, Flavia
Calcium oxalate on easel paintings , (03-15-2009)

De Stefani, Caroline
Supports for washing paper , (01-12-2011)
Workshop on mounting paper , (02-01-2013)
Workshop on paper covers for limp vellum bindings , (02-03-2014)
Positions at London Metropolitan Archives , (02-02-2015)
Workshop on book conservation , (04-13-2015)
Position at London Metropolitan Archives , (11-02-2015)
Course on basic book conservation techniques , (12-07-2015)
Position at London Metropolitan Archives , (03-22-2016)

De Stefano, Paula
Barbara Goldsmith Preservation Lecture , (05-01-2003)
Position at NYU , (08-01-2003)
Position at NYU--addendum , (09-12-2003)
Professional literature , (01-26-2007)
Position at NYU , (08-10-2007)
Position at NYU , (10-08-2007)
Lignin testing pens , (08-15-2008)
Call for nominations--Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris Preservation Award , (09-21-2009)
Call for nominations--Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris Preservation Award--addendum , (11-20-2009)
Position at NYU Libraries , (02-11-2013)

De Torres, Amparo R
Monuments of Santo Domingo , (02-01-2000)
German lithograph press , (04-25-2000)
Biblioteca Gallardo , (01-23-2001)
DuPont Mylar Type D , (06-27-2001)

De Torres, Amparo R.
ALA Midwinter Meeting , (01-15-1997)
Preservation awareness workshop , (02-27-1997)
Position at Library of Congress , (01-08-1998)
Position at Library of Congress--addendum , (01-21-1998)
Preservation awareness workshop , (03-10-1998)
Position at Library of Congress , (10-30-1998)
Position at Library of Congress--addendum , (12-03-1998)
Polyester film , (02-20-2002)
Polyester film , (03-28-2002)
Carolyn L. Rose receives George Washington University Medal , (06-05-2002)
A death , (06-26-2003)
A death--addendum , (07-15-2003)
Position at Library of Congress , (04-13-2004)

De Torres-Methivier, Amelie
Infilling outdoor marble sculpture , (05-10-2008)
Stains on marble , (03-12-2009)

De Utermohlen, Hilda Abreu
Silk and metals , (09-11-2003)
Ceramic tiles on masonite , (07-21-2004)

De van Geer, Sam
Position at Museums Resource Centre, Oxfordshire , (10-21-2011)
Adhesive for vulcanised rubber , (08-19-2013)
Hazard labels for glassware , (07-21-2016)

De van Geer, Samantha
HEPA vacuum cleaners , (11-29-2008)
Textile swatch files , (11-29-2008)
Brass , (02-15-2009)
Tyvek , (04-10-2009)

De van Walle, Fred
Position at Odyssey Marine Exploration , (04-18-2007)

De van Watering, Ko
Guidelines for the Conservation of Leather and Parchment Bookbindings , (10-28-1999)
Cellugel , (06-21-2000)
Security , (04-18-2001)

De van Wetering, Benjamin
Wove paper , (08-30-2000)

De Veer, Marysa
Album and ivory miniatures , (05-16-2003)
Pine walls , (07-04-2003)
Taxidermy , (09-30-2003)
Nipping presses for sale , (08-10-2004)
Acid free paper for sale , (09-01-2004)
Workshop on bookbinding , (02-08-2005)
Consolidating leather , (02-19-2005)
Bookbinding equipment for sale , (10-05-2005)
Standing press for sale , (11-11-2005)
Workshop on bookbinding , (12-16-2005)
Workshops on bookbinding , (05-12-2006)
Workshop on paper repair , (07-18-2006)
Workshop on box making , (08-14-2006)
Workshop on gold finishing , (10-07-2006)
Bookbinding press for sale , (07-29-2008)
Courses at Otter Bookbinding Ltd , (09-30-2013)

De Ville, Renee E.
Mattel Hot Wheels , (01-12-2004)

De Wallens, Gerard
Near infrared spectra , (03-01-2000)

De Zanche, Stefania
Stain on dress , (05-19-2009)

De Zunzuegui, Jaime Mesalles
Adhesive for ceramics , (11-04-1996)
Glue with garlic , (11-04-1996)
Quicksilver , (06-27-1997)

Deadrick, Robin
Position at MIT , (07-09-2002)

Dean, J. Claire
Field school on rock art , (03-24-1995)
Course on on-site archaeological conservation , (03-24-1995)
RH/Temperature indicator cards , (03-24-1995)
RH/Temperature indicator cards , (03-28-1995)
Software for slide labelling and cataloging , (04-01-1995)
Source of supplies , (04-17-1995)
Citations on boxmaking , (08-17-1995)
Scales for photodocumentation , (04-15-1996)
Source for papyrus , (05-28-1996)
Graffiti , (06-01-1996)
Sootmaster sponge , (07-16-1996)
Preserving pumpkins , (11-01-1996)
Laser pointers , (12-10-1996)
Barcoding , (07-03-1997)
Removing silicon oil from sandstone , (08-02-1997)
Math web site , (08-27-1997)
Ozone treatments , (11-12-1997)
Cleaning turquoise , (12-29-1997)
Source for horn , (02-07-1998)
Inoculations , (02-10-1998)
Storage , (06-09-1998)
NAFTA , (06-20-1998)
Pine tar and lye soap , (08-12-1998)
Composition of grease , (12-02-1998)
Deterioration of Agfachrome slides , (11-12-1999)
Paintings on copper foil , (03-06-2000)
Pest control and security , (07-24-2000)
Petrified wood , (12-12-2000)
Patriotic graffiti , (09-25-2001)
Workshop on packing and shipping works of Art , (08-27-2003)
Workshops on pests and mold , (09-02-2003)
Industrial and transportation equipment conservators , (08-16-2007)
New site--Cataloging , (06-15-2008)
CO2 cleaning , (03-14-2011)
Call for papers--Conference on maintenance of totem poles and canoes , (12-19-2013)
Call for papers--Conference on maintenance of totem poles and canoes--addendum , (02-13-2014)
Conference on maintenance of totem poles and canoes--addendum , (05-21-2014)
Book conservator in South Africa sought , (02-19-2015)
Source for cyclododecane sought , (04-24-2015)
Letraset dry transfer media , (03-16-2016)

Dean, John
Preservation of palm-leaf manuscripts , (05-10-1996)
Preservation Administrators Discussion Group , (11-13-1996)
Preservation Administration Discussion Group meeting , (01-16-1997)
Internship at Cornell , (02-27-1997)

Dean, John F.
Refurbishing leather , (01-25-1994)
Internship at Cornell , (01-27-1994)
Position at Cornell , (05-10-1995)
Internship at Cornell , (05-10-2001)
Internship at Cornell , (01-02-2002)
Pesticides , (11-27-2002)
Freezers and freeze-drying facilities , (10-29-2003)

Dean, John Francis
Position at private library in Abu Dhabi , (12-11-2013)

Dean, Monica
Window films , (09-18-2002)

Dean, Rebecca
Environmental monitoring equipment available , (11-15-2010)

Deane, Robert
Stains on sepia-toned prints , (11-19-2001)

DeBolt, Dean
Asbestos removal in archives , (10-23-1990)
Barcoding , (11-12-1990)
Suggestions for name for newsletter , (12-18-1990)
Library binding , (12-27-1990)
Halon 1301 , (04-18-1991)
Bread dough , (05-06-1991)
Glass plate negatives , (10-17-1991)
Microfilm spots , (03-20-1992)
Illumination device , (08-24-1992)
Photographing large books , (12-03-1992)
POST-IT notes , (12-03-1992)
CFC's and Wei To , (12-10-1992)
Lamination , (12-10-1992)
Comic books , (12-17-1992)
Marking photographs , (01-19-1993)
Chemical sponges , (02-10-1993)
Chemical sponges , (03-02-1993)
Encapsulation , (03-02-1993)
Encapsulation , (03-12-1993)
Humidification , (03-23-1993)
Polypropylene , (06-28-1993)
Soy Ink , (09-21-1994)
Shelving , (09-21-1994)
Pest control , (11-01-1994)
Digitization of microforms , (01-23-1995)
Diazo microfilm , (02-25-1995)
Hydrogen peroxide , (06-10-1997)
Gel ink , (09-23-1998)
Gel ink , (07-08-2004)

DeCandido, Robert L.
Air quality--dust , (04-17-1992)
Intra-library shipping , (05-27-1992)
Microfilming incomplete serial runs , (08-04-1992)
Directory of preservation services , (09-09-1992)
New editor of Wilson Library Bulletin , (12-14-1992)
Book conservation and ethics , (04-13-1994)
Preserving scent , (04-15-1994)
Book press , (04-28-1994)
The Preservation Educators' Exchange Web site , (03-27-1995)
Preservation Web site for ALA meeting , (05-24-1995)
PARS web site , (07-05-1995)
Inflatable shipping bags , (10-06-1995)

Deck, Clara
Storage and handling of nitrate , (06-05-1997)
Position at Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village , (03-23-1998)
Position at Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village , (05-06-1998)
Specifications for glazing , (06-09-1998)
Position at Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village , (01-30-2001)
Glass audio discs , (12-19-2008)
Internship at Henry Ford , (01-11-2010)
Receiving objects from tropical climates , (01-14-2015)

Deck, Clara Margaret
Position at Henry Ford Museum , (11-01-1995)
Silica gel , (08-26-1996)
Edison phonograph cylinders , (10-23-1996)
Foam rubber , (01-13-1997)

Decker, John Joseph
Invisible ink , (08-08-1994)

Decker, Juilee
Call for papers--Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals , (10-07-2008)

Decoux, Sandrine
Buddhist manuscript book , (03-28-2001)
Roneo prints , (07-11-2001)
Human skin , (03-12-2002)
Publication on 20th century document copying methods , (07-04-2002)
Papier mache , (09-20-2002)
Chestnut powder , (12-02-2002)
FTIR spectra of organic pigments , (09-04-2003)
Letter books , (11-16-2004)
Translation sought , (03-12-2007)
Source of unused Roneo stencils , (08-10-2007)
Sphagnum moss , (03-28-2008)
Flooring , (04-14-2011)

Defeyt, Catherine
Phthalocyanine blue , (01-15-2009)

DeFord, Carole
Humidifying exhibition cases , (01-30-1995)
Compact storage , (07-02-1996)
Storage rack for boats , (11-06-1997)
Humidification , (02-11-1998)
Document conversion service , (05-07-1999)
Marking ceramics , (02-18-2002)

Defournoux, Alix
Thai paintings , (03-20-1999)

Defranceschi, Jessica
Workshop on scientific analysis , (05-15-2016)
Workshop on coated paper , (05-28-2016)

DeGhetaldi, Kristin
Studies in Conservation , (07-18-2016)

DeGraff, Kathryn
Repairing microfilm , (05-07-1991)
Chicago flood , (04-20-1992)

Degrigny, Christian
Workshop on lasers in conservation , (07-09-2002)
BROMEC (Bulletin of Research on MEtal Conservation) , (01-03-2004)
Course on environment , (08-17-2004)
Course on exhibitions , (08-18-2004)

Dekker, Hadrian Ellory-van
Financial crisis at the British Museum , (06-14-2002)

DeKok, David
Lead paint dust contamination , (02-29-1996)

Del Arco, Belen Cobb
Plaster consolidation , (05-19-1999)

Del Bianco, Carlotta
Course on restoration of Japanese swords , (07-01-2003)

Del Hoyo, Julio
A death , (08-08-2008)

Del Hoyo, Julio M.
Call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) , (04-02-2014)
Call for papers--JAIC special issue , (01-25-2016)

Delatour, Lorraine
19th-century hat box , (09-30-2008)

Delaunay, Hilhne
Vegetable moss , (01-17-2000)
ICON Ethnography Group workshop and symposium , (10-27-2009)

Delaveris, Irene
Brick , (06-27-2000)
Fill materials for bronze , (10-07-2008)
Sandstone , (03-23-2010)

Delci, Joseph
Light exposure limits , (12-19-1999)

Deleva, Ljupka
Funding for personal education , (04-03-2000)

DelHoyo, Julio
AIC Photographic Materials Group--addendum , (03-10-2003)

Dellapiana, Laura
Letterpress copybooks , (09-14-2015)

Deller, Craig
X-ray radiography , (06-14-1994)
Radiation and mold , (07-14-1994)
Painted wood symposium , (09-13-1994)
Storage cases with environmental control , (09-10-1994)
Future of conservation/preservation funding , (09-05-1994)
Water-based polyurethanes , (09-05-1994)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (09-21-1994)
Mold health hazards , (10-06-1994)
Conservation nomenclature , (04-17-1995)
Presentation on conservator identity and treatment choice , (09-15-1995)
Seminar on toxic materials , (10-05-1995)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (10-16-1995)
Recipes , (02-26-1996)
Wax , (06-23-1996)
Leather consolidation , (08-21-1996)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (09-10-1996)
Chicago Area Conservation Group meeting , (10-02-1996)
Microwave ovens , (10-14-1996)
Book about shellac sought , (11-08-1996)
Furniture finish , (12-30-1996)
Private practice , (01-08-1997)
Creche figures , (03-06-1997)
Chicago Area Conservation Group (CACG) , (03-17-1997)
Consolidants for wood , (03-26-1997)
Amalgam mirror , (04-21-1997)
Amalgam mirror , (04-25-1997)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (11-01-1997)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (01-14-1998)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (02-09-1998)
Furniture polish , (03-01-1998)
Course on new techniques in designing cleaning systems , (03-20-1998)
Communication of conservation information , (05-02-1998)
Position at Deller Conservation Group , (07-13-1998)
Adhesive for glass , (07-30-1998)
Chicago Area Conservation Group (CACG) , (09-03-1998)
CACG web site , (09-18-1998)
Stone sculpture , (09-23-1998)
Stone sculpture , (09-23-1998)
Epoxy and flooring , (10-30-1998)
Chicago Area Conservation Group (CACG) , (11-10-1998)
Chicago Area Conservation Group (CACG) , (12-09-1998)
Chicago Area Conservation Group (CACG) , (02-03-1999)
Chicago Area Conservation Group (CACG) , (03-08-1999)
Smoke stain on marble , (03-13-1999)
Radioactive graphite bricks , (03-24-1999)
Radioactive graphite bricks , (04-09-1999)
Chicago Area Conservation Group (CACG) , (04-17-1999)
Radioactive graphite bricks , (04-24-1999)
Antiques Roadshow , (05-21-1999)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (10-01-1999)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (11-01-1999)
Adhesive for crystal , (01-11-2000)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (01-11-2000)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (01-17-2000)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (05-03-2000)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (09-26-2000)
Workshop on health and safety , (10-20-2000)
Art installations along hiking and bicycling trails , (01-02-2001)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (01-12-2001)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (02-10-2001)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (04-10-2001)
Chicago Area Conservation Group , (05-21-2001)
AIC Angels project , (05-09-2002)
A death , (07-18-2002)
AIC Angels project , (01-27-2003)
AIC Angels project , (03-26-2003)
Courses on furniture conservation , (05-30-2003)
AIC Angels project , (04-09-2004)
Campbell Center finances , (11-30-2007)
Damage caused by natural gas , (06-05-2010)
Oak panelling , (12-06-2014)
Endoscopy of historic firearms , (12-21-2014)
Hospital X-ray equipment , (11-09-2015)
Volara 4E , (01-25-2016)
Lab design , (07-18-2016)

Deller, Stefan
Wine as painting medium , (07-09-2001)

Dellios, Carol
Workshop on mold and pest control , (05-01-1995)
Workshops on mold and integrated pest management , (08-07-1995)
Workshop on disaster planning , (08-14-1995)
Workshop on library collections , (08-21-1995)
Workshop on hurricane preparedness , (09-06-1995)
Workshop on disaster recovery , (09-28-1995)
Workshop on book repair , (10-19-1995)
Workshop on disaster preparedness , (11-01-1995)
Workshops on mold and pest control , (01-03-1996)
Workshop on disaster preparedness , (02-05-1996)
SOLINET workshops , (02-22-1996)
SOLINET workshops , (05-28-1996)
SOLINET Preservation Services web site , (06-27-1996)

DeLong, Diane
Interlibrary loan , (06-11-1993)

Demas, Sam
Position at Mann Library , (07-29-1993)
Position at Cornell , (12-04-1993)
Position at Cornell , (07-13-1994)
Copyright and preservation , (12-15-1994)
Natural history title needed for microfilming project , (02-09-1995)

Demeyere, Tom
Conference on flexible bindings , (05-20-2016)

Demirbag, Haluk
New list , (08-09-1991)

Dempsey, David
A death , (10-30-1997)
Symposium on technical art history , (09-11-2007)

DeMuzio, David
Position at Philadelphia Museum of Art , (12-02-1998)
Fellowship at Philadelphia Museum of Art , (01-23-2009)

Den van Berg, Klaas Jan
Position at Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage , (10-10-2003)
Questionnaire on water sensitive oil paints , (03-02-2007)
Die Technischen Mitteilungen fur Malerei available online , (01-19-2016)

Denham, Patricia
Curled microfiche , (02-13-1995)

Denning, Larry
Melted plastic on paper , (07-08-1994)

Dennis, Jennifer
Removing soot from plaster and silver leaf , (12-10-2015)

Dennis, Megan
Source for stretcher expansion bolts , (11-03-1999)
AIC Annual Meeting , (02-16-2000)
Adam's Mark Hotel and AIC Annual Meeting , (02-16-2000)
Lecture on conservation of public sculpture , (05-26-2000)
Workshop on disaster training , (07-10-2000)
Call for nominations--AIC/Heritage Preservation Joint Award for Outstanding Commitment to the Preservation and Care of Collections , (09-13-2000)

DePew, John
Hurricane preparedness , (08-11-1993)

Depta, Agnieszka
Oddy tests of unbleached cotton calico , (06-22-2016)

Derby, Deborah
Stereo viewer , (12-01-1994)
POST-IT notes , (12-08-1994)
Rubber cement , (01-30-1995)
Removing photograph from glass , (02-07-1995)
Spot testing , (06-19-1995)
Source for Atlantis Silver-Safe paper , (08-09-1995)
Source of Japanese paper , (06-06-1996)

Derbyshire, Alan
Storing portrait miniatures , (06-05-2000)
Exhibition maintenance , (08-29-2001)
Convex glass , (09-14-2001)
Mourning jewellery , (12-21-2001)
Portrait miniature , (03-28-2003)
Ivory miniatures , (06-05-2003)
Salt on glass , (07-17-2003)
Gessoed parchment , (08-26-2003)
A death , (10-24-2003)
Position at Victoria and Albert Museum , (03-02-2004)
Position at Victoria and Albert Museum , (04-29-2004)
Positions at Victoria and Albert Museum , (11-01-2006)
A death , (10-20-2010)
Miniatures on ivory , (12-02-2013)
Position at Victoria and Albert Museum , (04-27-2015)

Derek, Brain
Position at Science Museum, South Kensington , (10-18-2005)
Silverfish , (05-08-2006)
Monitoring vibration , (10-13-2008)

Derow, Jonathan
Source for Dahlia sprayers , (04-23-1998)
Source for funori , (04-23-1998)
Paste cooker , (05-02-1998)
Source for handmade Indian papers , (06-11-1998)
Removing graphite from paper , (01-13-1999)
Wet treatment of Matisse pochoirs , (11-08-2000)

Derow, Jonathan Paul
Amylase poultices , (08-10-2001)
Rolling racks for painting storage , (05-17-2002)
Source for alpha amylase sought , (09-18-2002)
Hinging photographs , (04-07-2003)
Source for blotters sought , (08-08-2005)
Shipping artwork across national borders , (02-05-2010)

Derrick, Michele
Conservation and Art Materials Dictionary , (09-29-2000)
Silverfish , (04-26-2002)
Conservation and Art Materials Encyclopedia Online (CAMEO) , (09-20-2003)
Conservation and Art Materials Encyclopedia Online (CAMEO) , (10-01-2010)
CAMEO , (08-27-2013)

Derrick, Tanya
Preservation fund raising , (02-15-1994)

Derrick, Tonya
AMIGOS Spring 1994 Membership Conference , (03-25-1994)
AMIGOS Fall Membership Conference 1994 , (10-13-1994)
1995 AMIGOS Spring Conference , (03-22-1995)
Seminar on preservation management , (04-06-1995)

DeSanto, Frank
New graduate program in preservation of information , (03-23-2007)

Desilva, Alison
George Washington University Museum Studies Program , (04-08-2009)

Desmarais, John
Source for adhesive , (12-09-1997)
Cleaning ceramic floor tiles , (01-14-1999)

Dess, Howard
Fungicides for carpet , (02-04-1991)
Fungicides for carpet , (02-13-1991)

Dessaints, Rachel
Cleaning wool on suction table , (09-17-2014)
Nonionic surfactants for cleaning textiles , (07-06-2015)
Storing objects in sealed plastic bags , (04-14-2016)
Oddy tests of unbleached cotton calico , (06-08-2016)

Desson, Rebecca
Letraset , (01-03-2007)

Destefano, Paula
LRTS Awards , (01-08-1997)
Lignin and paper permanence , (05-07-1997)
Lecture on facilities planning , (11-21-1997)
Position at NYU , (05-25-1999)
Position at NYU , (06-22-1999)
Position at NYU , (08-04-1999)
Position at NYU , (04-25-2000)
Position at NYU , (09-15-2000)
Avery labels , (10-11-2000)

DeStefano, Rhea
Corrosion , (10-31-2005)
Foam book supports , (04-27-2006)
Open house at Folger Shakespeare library conservation lab , (05-11-2007)
Water purification , (05-11-2007)
Internship at Folger Shakespeare Library , (06-14-2011)
Internship at Folger Shakespeare Library--corrigendum , (06-20-2011)
Position at Folger Shakespeare Library , (04-08-2013)
Adrienne Bell appointed book conservator at Folger Shakespeare Library , (11-04-2013)
Symposium on exhibiting books--addendum , (10-20-2014)
IADA Congress , (07-14-2015)

Desulis, Kate
Acrylic ink , (11-02-1994)
Monitoring exhibit cases , (12-01-1995)
Relative humidity control in microenvironments , (07-11-1996)

DeSutter, Solveig
SAA Workshops , (04-17-2008)
Online seminar and health information in archives , (05-15-2008)

Desvergnes, Amelie Couvrat
Rust stains on paper , (11-23-2010)

Deurenberg, Rian
Adhesive for exterior woodwork , (05-21-2003)
Call for papers--AIC Wooden Artifacts Group , (07-21-2006)
Documentation systems , (01-25-2008)

Deurenberg, Rian M.H.
Workshop on identifying wood , (09-15-2014)

Deurenberg-Wilkinson, Rian
Workshop on identifying wood , (09-12-2013)

DeVeer, Marysa
Wedding chest , (07-20-2002)

Devereux, Nicole
Survey on platinum prints , (03-21-2014)

Devi, Meenakshi
Inpainting , (01-21-2004)
Adhesives for lining , (05-15-2004)
Cleaning acrylic paintings , (06-17-2005)
Permanent markers , (05-19-2008)

DeVille, Renee
Position at Orleans Parish Civil District Court , (06-16-2014)

Devine, Erica
Constrain , (05-31-2004)
Air abrasion system , (12-02-2004)
Position at Arch Con Labs Ltd. , (03-14-2005)
Source for paper sought , (05-11-2005)

Devine, Scott
Position at Texas Tech University , (02-20-1997)
Position at North Carolina State University , (05-01-2006)
Position at Northwestern University , (02-14-2008)

Devine, Scott W.
Examining watermarks , (11-06-1997)
Position at Texas Tech University--addendum , (07-09-2001)
Position at North Carolina State University , (02-18-2002)
Position at Northwestern , (10-09-2009)
Fellowship at Northwestern , (03-25-2010)
George and Marie Quinlan Preservation Lecture , (05-31-2011)
Marie A. Quinlan Preservation Endowment at Northwestern , (03-12-2014)

Devitt, Cliodna
Table covering , (06-06-2003)

Dewerse, Ngaio
Educational opportunity sought , (10-24-2002)

Dewey, Catherine
Tannite Rust Passifier , (02-10-2003)
Call for papers--AIC Architecture Specialty Group , (08-01-2006)
Food products in museum collections , (06-09-2008)
Call for papers--APT Annual Symposium , (12-01-2010)
Conference on climate management in historic buildings , (03-04-2011)
Seminar on lichens and gravestones , (03-04-2011)

DeWindt, Katrin
Fulbright Scholar NEXUS Program , (09-15-2010)

D'haenens, Manon
Survey on lining techniques , (03-03-2011)
Survey on conservation in contemporary art collections , (09-07-2015)

Di Bagno, Andrea
Source for Gore-Tex polyester felt laminate , (01-02-2001)
Salaries , (04-11-2003)
Books on pest management , (04-30-2003)
Cleaning acrylic paintings , (06-24-2005)
Retouching , (05-15-2006)
Retouching , (05-29-2006)
Morisot , (03-07-2007)
Weeping oil paint , (11-21-2007)

Di Bella, Marco
RFID tags , (12-21-2015)

Di Febo, Assunta
Istituto Centrale per la Patologia del Libro , (05-16-2007)

Di Franco, Maria Lilli
Workshop on decontamination in heritage collections , (09-03-2003)
Workshop on Iron gall ink corrosion , (10-17-2003)
Workshop on iron gall ink corrosion , (02-02-2004)

Diamantopoulos, Aella
Storing paper collections , (03-17-2009)
Conservator sought for plaster casts , (03-17-2009)
Heater blankets and lining tables , (12-07-2011)

Diaz, Soledad
Course on metal conservation , (10-15-2004)

Dickens, Jenny
Carousel horse , (02-11-1997)
Waterlogged ivory , (07-07-1998)
Conservation of toilets from shipwreck , (07-15-1998)
Damp course system , (07-11-2001)
Thymol , (11-01-2002)
Dataloggers , (05-28-2003)
Encaustic tiles , (09-08-2008)

Didden, Amanda
Teflon , (08-02-2006)

Didelot, Catherine
Adhesive for waterlogged wood , (09-29-1999)
Call for papers--Visibility of restoration , (10-03-2000)

Didriksen, Merethe Brock
Storing flags , (06-07-2007)

Diefenderfer, John
DuctSox , (05-31-2011)

Diehl, Johanna
Conference: Restaurierung und Zeitgeist , (09-27-2002)

Diehl, Thomas
Books on Restoration/Conservation and Museology , (05-09-1997)
Catalog of restoration and museology books , (09-04-1997)

Dierick, Dominique
Conservation inventory software , (03-21-1995)
Natural Colour System , (12-15-1995)

Dietrich, Annalisa
Positions at National Library of Australia , (11-26-2008)

Dignard, Carole
Erasers , (03-22-1995)
Excimer lasers , (03-03-1997)
Pen humidifier , (03-23-1998)
Communication of conservation information , (05-07-1998)
Publication on mountmaking , (08-06-1998)
Workshop on adhesives , (10-22-1998)
Silver cloth , (11-03-1998)
Source for collagen , (12-09-1998)
Workshop on adhesives , (03-08-2000)
Soot , (05-23-2000)
Terracotta , (11-30-2000)
Publication on mount making , (08-27-2002)
Spray adhesive , (09-05-2002)
Cleaning firearms , (06-22-2004)
Call for papers--Aboriginal heritage , (04-10-2006)
Call for papers--Aboriginal heritage , (05-04-2006)
Call for papers--Aboriginal heritage , (10-05-2006)
ICOM-CC-Ethno Listserv and Newsletter , (12-05-2006)
Symposium on preserving Aboriginal heritage , (05-07-2007)
Call for contributions: Biocides in museum collections , (02-09-2009)
e-Proceedings of the Forum on the Conservation of Thangkas , (04-03-2009)
Call for papers--ICOM-CC Ethnographic working group , (02-24-2010)
Inuit clothing and kayak , (11-08-2010)
A death , (12-09-2014)
Durability of archival boxes , (04-07-2015)
Latex glove , (02-09-2016)

Dijkstra, Reshma
Ivory , (10-04-2001)

Dillon, Jo
Activated charcoal masks , (09-19-2000)
Ticker tape , (12-20-2002)
Conference on metal detecting and conservation , (11-27-2003)

Dillon, Skye
Seminar on environment , (05-21-2008)
Workshop on preventive conservation , (05-21-2008)
Workshop on on collection management and climate change , (05-21-2008)

DiMichele, Donna
Transporting photographs , (06-22-1993)

Dimond, Sophie
Removing velcro , (02-18-2011)

Dingilian, Sonia
Conservation Assessment Program , (11-04-1998)
Hurricane preparedness , (09-15-1999)

Dini, Erin L.
Symposium on preservation education , (11-05-2003)
Symposium on preservation education symposium , (02-11-2004)

Dinsmore, Jennifer
Removing labels from marble , (06-15-2010)

Dion, Judy L.
Watercolor paint boxes , (05-29-2007)
16th century joiner's marks , (10-30-2007)
Position at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts , (07-31-2014)

DiPietro, Giovanna
Pink fingerprints on photographic print , (08-26-2005)

DiRamio, Diana
Fellowship at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (12-10-2009)
Position at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (06-16-2010)
Fellowship at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (12-13-2010)
Position at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (01-05-2011)
Fellowship at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston--addendum , (02-16-2011)
Fellowship at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston--corrigendum , (02-16-2011)
Fellowship at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (11-14-2011)
Fellowship at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (04-29-2013)
Fellowship at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (04-29-2013)
Position at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (04-29-2013)
Position at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (12-27-2013)
Position at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (07-24-2014)
Position at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (07-24-2014)
Position at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (07-24-2014)
Position at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (09-19-2014)
Position at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (03-31-2015)
Fellowship at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (04-16-2015)
Fellowship at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (04-01-2016)
Position at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , (06-10-2016)

Director, Campbell Center
Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies , (01-07-2008)
Courses at Campbell Center , (05-08-2008)
Course on labelling , (06-05-2008)
Course on mountmaking , (06-05-2008)
Courses at Campbell Center , (08-08-2008)
Workshop on mannequin making , (08-11-2008)
Workshop on metal objects , (08-11-2008)
Course on furniture and wooden objects , (08-20-2008)
Courses at Campbell Center , (12-16-2008)

Dirks, Lee
RLMS discussion group meeting , (06-10-1992)
Preservation program at ALA , (04-28-1993)
Preservation Program at ALA , (06-09-1993)
RLMS Discussion Group topic , (01-11-1994)
Book conservation and ethics , (04-26-1994)
RLMS Discussion Group meeting , (06-06-1994)
PARS Preservation Microfilming Discussion Group , (01-04-1995)
PARS joint meeting on microfilming , (06-15-1995)
Position at OCLC , (08-16-1995)
Position at Preservation Resources , (08-21-1995)
Microfilm scanning services , (10-31-1995)
Preservation Resources home page , (10-31-1995)
Cleaning posters , (08-01-1996)
ALCTS program on preservation microfilming , (06-04-1997)

Ditschkowski, Stella
Positions at Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland , (01-30-2004)

Dixon, Lesley
Position at the Hamilton Kerr Institute , (04-12-2016)

Dixon, Thomas
Art Sorb , (12-14-1995)
Drying silica gel , (12-14-1995)
Conservation policy document , (11-11-1996)
Crazing of acrylic sheeting , (12-05-1996)
Laser pointers , (12-16-1996)
Mat cutting and repetitive stress , (03-05-1997)
Fume extraction , (04-04-1997)
Vandalism , (09-30-1997)
Predicting longevity of ephemera , (11-24-1997)
Painting installed on marble wall , (12-05-1997)
Inoculations , (02-09-1998)
Carrying frames , (11-27-2007)
Fire extinguishers , (01-21-2008)
Arsenic in natural history collections , (08-10-2008)
Skateboarding and public art , (12-09-2008)
Water mist fire suppression systems , (12-09-2008)
Elephant trunk ventilation systems , (08-20-2010)
Repainting murals , (10-18-2010)
Repainting murals--corrigendum , (10-25-2010)
Microclimate frames , (06-20-2011)
Fire suppression systems , (10-25-2011)
Conservation facilities and the public , (12-19-2011)
FM 200 fire suppression system , (12-28-2011)
Food and drink in gallery spaces , (03-16-2013)
Vacuum cleaners , (05-21-2013)
A death , (09-30-2015)

Dixon, Tom
Spray booths , (12-21-1998)
Offgassing from plywood shelving , (06-24-1999)
Lab lighting , (07-06-1999)
X-ray machine , (08-25-1999)
Sword , (09-06-1999)
Offgassing from MDF , (02-04-2000)
Discarding solvents , (05-22-2000)
Sparrow droppings , (09-14-2000)
Transporting paintings by air , (10-27-2000)
Private practice in institutional lab , (01-11-2001)
Moving a laboratory , (02-06-2001)
Recording hygrothermographs and dataloggers , (02-15-2001)
Air fresheners and incense , (04-20-2001)
X-ray radiography , (06-19-2001)
Exhibition lighting standards , (12-05-2001)
Laser pointers , (02-28-2002)
Hantavirus , (04-22-2002)
Conservation guidelines , (05-09-2002)
Cotton gloves , (08-06-2002)
Position at National Gallery of Victoria , (08-13-2002)
Vibration , (10-07-2002)
Position at National Gallery of Victoria , (11-29-2002)
Air purification systems , (12-06-2002)
Sketching in galleries , (02-17-2003)
Vibration and loosely stretched canvas paintings , (06-23-2003)
Medium density fiberboard , (06-23-2003)
UV protection for art installation , (08-27-2003)
Securing tiles to steel reinforced concrete sculpture , (10-02-2003)
Varnish spray booth , (10-28-2003)
Couriers , (10-29-2003)
Varnish spray booth , (11-07-2003)
Metal polish , (02-02-2004)
Storing chemicals , (03-10-2004)
Position at National Gallery of Victoria , (03-17-2004)
Position at National Gallery of Victoria , (07-15-2004)
Motorized wheel chairs , (07-22-2004)
Automatic X-ray processor , (08-02-2005)

D'Izarny-Gargas, Claire
Survey condition surveys and in situ mosaics , (08-09-2014)

Djupsjobacka, Elzbieta
Conservation of chemical collections , (03-18-2007)

Djuric, Christine
Internship at Citywide Monuments Conservation Program, New York , (01-15-2009)
Internship at Citywide Monuments Conservation Program, New York , (01-15-2009)
Internship at Citywide Monuments Conservation Program, New York , (02-10-2014)
Internship at Citywide Monuments Conservation Program, New York , (01-13-2015)

Dobrovolskiene, Jolita
Position at National Maritime Museum , (11-26-2015)

Dobrusskin, Sebastian
Conference on conservation of plastics , (05-18-2003)

Dodd, Beth
Unbuffered map folders , (02-07-2001)

Dodd, Beth J.
Conservation facilities and the public , (08-15-2001)

Dodd, Wendy
Wash table , (07-02-1996)

Dodge, Ann
Compact shelving , (05-06-1992)
Position at Brown , (06-04-1992)
Corrigendum , (07-29-1992)
Rivet fastener , (08-03-1992)
Hygrothermograph charts , (12-29-1993)
Blocked negatives , (07-27-1994)

Dodge, Ann Morgan
Newspaper article about deacidification , (07-10-1997)
Source for magnetic bookends , (02-18-1999)
Book repair kit , (11-14-2000)

Dodson, Suzanne
Sealed buildings , (04-26-1991)
NISO Standards--Guides to Microform Sets , (01-29-1993)
Damaged microfilm set , (02-08-1994)
Paint for microfilm cabinets , (06-16-1994)
Diazo microfilm , (03-06-1995)
Routing information for serials , (04-13-1995)
Poster , (07-26-1996)
Longevity of CDs , (09-08-1997)

Doehne, Eric
Workshop on poultice desalination of porous building materials , (10-27-2009)

Doherty, Eliza
Saliva , (10-02-2013)

Doherty, Meghan C.
Position at Berea College , (04-09-2013)

Doherty, Tiarna
Mural paintings on canvas , (10-03-2002)
Laropal A81 , (12-05-2002)
Call for papers--AIC Paintings Specialty Group , (07-14-2006)
AIC Paintings Specialty Group tips session , (02-10-2007)
Forum on thangkas , (05-12-2008)
Call for presentations--ICOM-CC Paintings Working Group , (03-25-2009)
Call for papers--ICOM-CC Paintings Working Group , (10-15-2009)
Call for papers--ICOM-CC Paintings Working Group , (02-17-2010)
Program on lighting , (01-09-2013)
Position at Smithsonian American Art Museum , (04-24-2014)
Position at Smithsonian American Art Museum , (04-07-2015)
Position at Smithsonian American Art Museum , (05-08-2015)
Position at Smithsonian American Art Museum , (08-03-2015)
Position at Smithsonian American Art Museum , (09-24-2015)

Doig, Judith
Disaster recovery training , (08-29-1994)
Publication on disaster recovery , (02-07-1997)
Disaster plans for herbaria , (11-26-1997)

Dolge, Brian L.
Commercial binding turnaround time , (03-14-1995)

Dolice, Joe L.
Exhibition on art forgery , (11-16-2001)

Dominioni, Maria Giulia Caccia
Gauze , (04-25-2006)

Dommermuth, Jean
Storing rolled textiles , (12-16-2013)

Donahoe, Jamie
Workshops on conservation , (03-01-2005)
Volunteers sought for building conservation , (11-30-2005)
Workshop on fresco conservation , (12-13-2006)
Workshops on building conservation , (01-24-2007)
Workshop on 19th century architectural finishes , (05-04-2007)
Workshops on building conservation , (10-09-2007)
Workshop on 15th century Italian cloister , (01-21-2008)
Call for volunteers--Gjirokastra, Albania , (05-30-2008)
Travel and training opportunities , (12-02-2008)

Donaldson, Colleen
Conference on consolidation , (12-22-2004)

Donaldson, Katharine
Position at Victoria and Albert Museum , (01-25-2002)
Position at Victoria and Albert Museum , (09-04-2002)

Donnachie, Kate
Position at Glasgow School of Art (GSA) , (07-28-2008)
Position at Glasgow School of Art (GSA)--addendum , (08-19-2008)

Donnan, Rebecca
Globe , (01-28-1999)
William Blake , (06-08-1999)
Paste cooker , (11-10-1999)
Atmosbags , (02-17-2000)
Position at Dorset History Centre , (03-06-2006)

Donnithorne, Alan
Internship at Royal Library, Windsor Castle , (07-30-2013)

Donovan, Elizabeth
Mexican archives , (08-19-1996)
Position at National Archives of Australia , (01-09-2001)
Position at Dorset Archives Service , (12-09-2003)
MicroChamber/Silversafe paper , (08-27-2004)
Position at Dorset Archives Service , (09-30-2005)
Position at Dorset Archives Service , (10-31-2005)

Donovan, Sue
The profession of French conservators is in danger , (03-21-2016)

Door, Joan
Christopher Bisschop , (03-12-2004)

Dopp, Bonnie Jo
Smoke damaged books , (06-14-1995)

Dorgan, Patrick
Seminar on leather restoration , (01-10-2001)

Dorlester, Arielle
Internship at Citywide Monuments Conservation Program, New York , (12-26-2007)
Internship at Citywide Monuments Conservation Program, New York , (12-26-2007)

Dorling, Steven
Hydrophilic and hydrophobic membranes , (09-24-2015)

Dornheim, Sif Dagmar
Conservators' Round Table , (08-04-2008)
Conservators' Round Table--addendum , (08-11-2008)

Dorsch, Sylvia
Position at LACMA , (06-08-2011)

Dotter, Kara R.
Historic lime mortar , (11-12-2005)
Clearing snow and ice from marble steps , (03-04-2010)

Dotterer, Janet L.
Photocopiers , (12-17-2004)

Doub, Nichole
Position at Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory , (09-29-2008)
Call for papers--Symposium on preserving archaeological remains in situ , (03-24-2010)
Position at Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory , (04-18-2011)
Position at Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory , (07-25-2013)

Douglas, Alison
Internship at McMichael Canadian Art Collection , (05-28-2014)
Internship at McMichael Canadian Art Collection , (05-11-2015)

Douglas, Ann
Desk , (01-24-2002)
Plasticine as art medium , (08-16-2004)
Displaying posters , (01-27-2005)

Douglas, Janet
Forbes Fellowship , (11-28-1994)
Fellowship at the Freer Gallery , (12-09-1997)

Douglas, Kate
Coptic textiles , (07-11-2001)
Starch paste on historic embroidery , (11-23-2005)
Handling mannequins , (08-27-2014)

Douka, Katerina
Dating paper of violin label , (01-15-2011)

Douma, Michael
Position at Institute for Dynamic Educational Advancement (IDEA) , (09-28-2009)

Dowd, Lesa
Symposium on ethics of book and paper conservation , (02-23-2015)

Dowling, Jill
Air pollution , (01-13-1999)

Down, Jane
PVA health hazards , (03-29-1995)
Alternatives to Ablebond 342-1 , (03-31-1995)
Ceramic tiled panel , (03-31-1995)
Acrylic adhesives , (03-31-1995)
Glue sticks , (08-06-1996)
Solvents for epoxy , (11-28-1996)
Additives for sturgeon glue , (02-04-1997)
Polyvinyl acetate , (11-17-1997)
Glue sticks , (11-09-2000)
Workshop on adhesives , (01-17-2001)
BEVA 371 , (01-29-2001)
Paleo-Bond , (04-20-2001)
Research on tape and heat-set products , (09-25-2001)
Vinamul 3252 , (05-13-2003)
Symposium on preservation of electronic records--addendum , (07-04-2003)
Workshops on adhesives , (06-02-2006)

Downey, Anne
Pastels, charcoals, and transport , (08-23-2001)
Window films , (09-23-2002)

Downey, Anne E.
Dust cloths , (05-08-2003)
Elsec 764 , (05-13-2003)
Internship at American Philosophical Society , (12-01-2003)
Dust cloths , (02-02-2004)
Position at American Philosophical Society , (11-15-2004)
Dataloggers , (10-05-2005)
Gossamer tissue , (08-10-2006)
Window films , (07-16-2007)
Downloading remote datalogger data , (08-04-2011)
Internship at American Philosophical Society , (11-05-2013)
Definition of obsolete media , (05-05-2014)
Scanners and photocopiers , (11-13-2014)
Position at American Philosophical Society , (05-07-2015)

Downey, Laura
Cabinet , (04-18-1997)
Position at Center for Creative Photography , (05-01-1998)
Exhibition lighting for fluorescent ink , (12-18-1998)
Paste cooker , (11-30-1999)
Conservation of pith paper , (03-15-2000)
Vibration , (05-08-2000)
Jet fuel , (03-15-2001)
Storage , (07-10-2002)
Position at International Tennis Hall of Fame , (06-23-2005)

Downs, Mary
NEH Preservation Assistance Grants , (03-23-2016)

Doyle, Adrian M.
Pyrite in fossils , (12-11-2001)

Doyle, Beth
Photocopy toner stability , (11-02-1996)
PARS Physical Quality and Treatment Discussion Group , (01-06-2003)
Film about the burning of National Library, Bosnia , (08-01-2003)
Security strips , (08-12-2003)
PARS Physical Quality and Treatment Discussion Group , (12-12-2003)
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group , (05-21-2004)
PARS Physical Quality and Treatment Discussion Group , (05-21-2004)
PARS Physical Quality and Treatment Discussion Group , (01-05-2005)
PARS Physical Quality and Treatment Discussion Group RBMS Curators and Conservators Discussion Group , (01-27-2005)
A death--addendum , (03-11-2008)
University of Texas Preservation and Conservation Studies Program discontinued , (01-12-2010)
Article on conservation methods in research libraries , (05-07-2010)
Position at Duke University , (10-26-2010)
Duke University Libraries receives Mellon grant , (01-07-2011)
Position at Duke University , (01-07-2011)
Jan Merrill-Oldham Professional Development Grant , (06-30-2011)
Call for nominations--Jan Merrill-Oldham Professional Development Grant , (09-21-2011)
Position at Duke University , (12-22-2011)
Randy Silverman receives Banks/Harris Preservation Award , (02-22-2013)
Call for speakers--ALCTS/PARS Book and Paper Interest Group , (04-25-2014)
Position at Duke University , (12-11-2014)

Doyle, Daniel
Survey on storing mammoth molars , (02-18-2015)

Doyle, Jamie
IMLS Grant awarded , (10-22-2001)
Workshop on microfilming and Digitization , (03-28-2003)
Workshop on digitization , (09-04-2003)

Doyle, Sara
Position at Queensland Art Gallery , (01-06-2003)

Drabenstott, Karen Markey
New list , (01-28-1995)

Draffen, Jennifer
Photo engraving on magnesium , (10-15-1998)

Drapala, Lauren
Symposium on Robert Winthrop Chanler , (07-29-2014)

Draper, Alison
Storage of weapons , (04-23-1997)
Sorbarix cushions , (07-24-1997)
Crates , (10-16-1997)
Medium density fiberboard , (03-03-1999)
Biodegradable packing material , (01-14-2002)
Seminar on the conservation and restoration of arms and Armour , (05-16-2002)
Seminar on Arms and Armour, Malta 2002 , (08-28-2002)
Archaeological copper alloy , (09-18-2013)

Draper, Bryan
Table for ultrasonic welder , (08-03-1993)
Mekatronics EZ press , (08-01-1994)
Casters for carts , (07-21-2000)
Symposium and exhibit on 19th century American cloth bindings , (02-07-2008)

Draper, Bryan L. W.
Position at Etherington Conservation Center , (06-02-2003)
Position at University of Maryland , (09-09-2008)
Position at University of Maryland , (03-13-2009)
Screening of rare Zeffirelli film on Florence flood , (10-19-2011)
A death , (11-03-2014)
Water alarm , (05-15-2015)

Draper, Bryan L. Winkelmayer
Workshops on photo preservation and cleaning objects , (05-24-1995)

Drayman-Weisser, Terry
Positions at Walters Art Museum , (12-04-2002)
Fellowship at Walters Art Museum , (02-02-2005)
Black silver , (12-17-2008)
Brass , (03-01-2009)
Egyptian ivories , (05-29-2009)
Position at Walters Art Museum , (09-27-2009)
Xeroradiography unit available , (10-02-2009)
Glenn Gates appointed conservation scientist at Walters Art Museum , (03-23-2010)
Art in Bloom , (09-06-2010)
Position at Walters Art Museum , (04-22-2013)
Storing linoleum blocks , (08-15-2015)

Dredge, Paula
UV filters , (08-19-1997)
Canvas stamps , (10-02-2002)
Low reflectance acrylic sheeting , (09-25-2003)
Silica gel and lithium chloride , (02-14-2005)

Dreghorn, Brenda
Position at Cumbria Archive Service , (02-13-2002)
Call for papers--Archive conservation , (11-09-2004)

Dresner, Maya
Source for Naphtha sought , (12-06-2006)

Drewdun, Amelie
Alabaster and solvent gels , (12-12-2011)

Drewes, Jeanne
PLMS Discussion Group meeting , (06-18-1994)
Report on staffing , (07-13-1994)
Hypatia , (10-03-1994)
Evaluating preservation awareness education , (10-03-1994)
PARS Discussion Group meeting , (05-16-1995)
Kapco covers , (12-13-1995)
Water damage to floppy disks , (01-26-1996)
Moisture meters , (02-28-1997)
Video on fine binding , (03-28-1997)
Plastazote , (04-24-1997)
Discussion on non-book materials in libraries , (05-09-1997)
Publication on library preservation , (05-12-1997)
Workshops on bookbinding and book repair , (07-03-1997)
UV filters , (07-24-1997)
UV filtering properties of borasilica glass , (08-25-1997)
Discussion on non-book materials in libraries , (10-01-1997)
Preservation logo competition , (11-19-1997)
Preservation logo competition , (12-08-1997)
Spanish version of Calipr , (04-01-1998)
Workshop on adhesive binding , (06-10-1998)
Contributions for Cuban institutions , (07-09-1998)
Contributions for Cuban institutions , (07-18-1998)
Contributions for Cuban institutions , (08-21-1998)
Pesticides on Indian books , (08-26-1998)
Call for nominations--Esther J. Piercy Award , (09-08-1998)
Workshops on book repair , (10-02-1998)
Spanish language version of Calipr , (12-21-1998)
Contributions for Cuban institutions , (12-21-1998)
Disaster mitigation web site , (01-04-1999)
PADG agenda items , (09-22-1999)
PADG agenda items , (12-20-1999)
Position at Michigan State University , (01-09-2000)
Preservation Administration Discussion Group , (01-10-2000)
Preservation Administrators Discussion Group , (05-25-2000)
Preservation Administrators Discussion Group , (06-18-2000)
Survey on cooperative preservation , (01-22-2001)
Contributions for Cuban institutions , (07-16-2001)
Cuban book artists , (10-31-2001)
Exhibition on bookbinding , (03-15-2002)
Workshop on repairing calf bookbindings , (03-15-2002)
Guild of Book Workers--Midwest chapter , (03-15-2002)
Exhibition catalog , (05-31-2002)
Position at Michigan State University , (07-23-2003)
Bogle Pratt International Library Travel Award , (09-24-2003)
Web site on disaster planning and mitigation , (11-09-2005)
Back files of Abbey Newsletter available , (11-09-2005)
Position at Michigan State University , (11-09-2005)
Back files of Abbey Newsletter available--addendum , (01-26-2006)
Resource on disaster preparedness , (02-16-2006)
New site: Preparing, Protecting, Preserving your Family Treasures , (02-14-2007)
Lecture on capturing recorded sound through imaging , (06-12-2007)
Library of Congress tour of during ALA meeting , (06-09-2007)
Position at Library of Congress , (10-20-2007)
IFLA Preservation and Conservation Section , (04-23-2008)
Position at Library of Congress , (04-23-2008)
Position at Library of Congress , (05-19-2008)
Positions at Library of Congress , (06-08-2008)
IFLA Preservation and Conservation Section , (06-16-2008)
A Death , (06-26-2008)
Guide to Commercial Binding , (10-28-2008)
New site--Promoting Preservation Awareness in Libraries , (11-16-2008)
Position at Library of Congress , (11-25-2008)
Position at Library of Congress , (11-19-2009)
Contest--Making the case for preservation action to save collections , (02-12-2010)
Symposium: Understanding the Physical Environment , (09-22-2010)
Preservation Week , (02-20-2011)
Survey on Preservation Week , (05-27-2011)
Survey on public use of documents , (11-30-2011)
International Preservation News available , (12-07-2011)
Position at Library of Congress , (02-24-2014)
Editor sought for ALCTS News , (03-25-2014)
Preservation Week , (04-11-2014)
Library of Congress booth at ALA , (06-09-2014)
Carrie Beyer appointed Head, Collections Conservation at Library of Congress , (10-08-2014)
Marianne Mason appointed Head, Micrographics Projects at Library of Congress , (10-08-2014)
Internships and volunteer opportunities at Library of Congress , (10-20-2014)
Cal for papers--IFLA , (11-17-2014)
IFLA Pre-congress Satellite Meeting , (06-11-2015)
Call for nominations--Jan Merrill-Oldham Professional Development Grant , (11-01-2015)
IFLA Pre-congress Satellite Meeting , (11-14-2015)
Grants for attending IFLA World Library and Information Congress , (01-06-2016)
Call for papers--Disaster preparedness , (01-20-2016)
Call for articles--Preservation, Digital Technology and Culture (PDT&C) , (01-27-2016)
IFLA preconference , (02-19-2016)
Position at Library of Congress , (02-29-2016)
Position at Library of Congress , (03-07-2016)
Invitation to attend IFLA Satellite preconference in Washington DC , (04-04-2016)
Position at Library of Congress , (04-13-2016)
Podcasts , (05-04-2016)
Position at Library of Congress , (05-11-2016)

Dreyer, Christian
Online bridging course on chemistry , (04-26-2016)
Academic programme at South African Institute for Heritage Science and Conservation , (07-05-2016)

Dreyer, Hildrun
Ethafoam , (04-14-2010)

Driedger, Kevin
adhesives used in book repair , (11-14-2006)

Drieman, Hans
FujiFilm Pictrostat 300 , (12-06-1999)

Driesse, Anne
A death , (03-06-2008)

Drinkall, Scott
Fulbright Scholar Program , (11-04-2014)

Driver, Claire
National Heritage Science Strategy , (02-28-2008)

Droschl, Carolin
Coopertorium , (09-25-1997)

Drover, Louise
Security strips , (03-13-2009)

Drummond, Gina
Selecting materials for display and storage , (04-04-1996)

Druzik, James
Binocular microscopes , (03-17-1997)
Eucalyptus and bronze sculpture , (07-01-1997)
Feedback sought for article on removing odor from books , (09-30-1997)
Ozone treatments , (11-17-1997)
Hague Convention , (02-02-1999)
Pollutants created by oil furnace failure , (02-24-1999)
Ozone generators , (03-29-1999)
Silica gel and adsorbed pollutants , (05-19-1999)

Druzik, Jim
Smithsonian press release , (09-22-1994)
Magnetic media , (10-05-1994)
Nitrogen anoxia for museum pest control , (10-18-1994)
Corrosion Intercept , (11-01-1994)
Odor removal , (11-10-1994)
Water purification , (11-10-1994)
Water purification , (11-11-1994)
Water purification , (11-11-1994)
Water purification , (11-17-1994)
Publication on accelerated aging , (01-20-1995)
Foxed paper needed for research , (04-10-1995)
Article on lighting , (10-18-1995)
Caution urged when considering LED light sources for light-sensitive materials , (04-22-2010)

Dubansky, Mindell
Position at Metropolitan Museum of Art , (07-01-1999)
Positions at Metropolitan Museum of Art , (09-06-2001)
Position at Metropolitan Museum of Art , (06-05-2002)
Position at Metropolitan Museum of Art , (08-13-2002)
Cleaning library stacks , (11-14-2008)
Freezers , (06-10-2015)

Dube, Liz
Fumigation chamber available , (02-01-2000)
Position at Notre Dame , (04-12-2004)
Position at Notre Dame , (09-14-2004)
Position at Notre Dame , (04-13-2005)
Call for nominations--Jan Merrill-Oldham Professional Development Grant , (09-13-2013)
Fellowship at Notre Dame , (06-02-2014)

DuBois, Susan
Workshops on exhibitions , (10-07-2003)

DuBois, Susan W.
Workshops , (01-06-1997)
Workshop on architectural records , (02-19-1997)
Workshop on environmental monitoring , (03-11-1997)
Workshop on environmental monitoring , (06-30-1997)
Workshop on Architectural Records , (08-04-1997)
CCAHA receives NEH grant , (10-06-1997)
Workshops on architectural records , (02-18-1998)
Subsidized preservation surveys , (04-15-1998)
Preservation overview surveys , (09-09-1999)
Software for architectural design , (05-30-2001)

Dubrow, Gail
Conference on women and historic preservation , (03-27-2000)

Ducatel, Nathalie
Position at Haute Ecole Arc , (07-11-2008)

Ducharme, Michael
Identifying wood , (07-12-2000)
Repairing acrylic sheeting , (02-02-2006)

Duchene, Theresa
Photo albums , (10-21-1996)

Duckworth, Ian
Position at Tate--addendum , (10-16-2009)

Dudley, Jane
Position at Canterbury Cathedral Archives , (12-10-2003)

Duer, Anna
Getty Conservation Institute publications available , (02-11-2015)
Publication on conserving outdoor painted sculpture , (02-18-2015)
New publication: Historical Perspectives in the Conservation of Works of Art on Paper , (03-25-2015)
Getty Conservation Institute publications available , (07-01-2015)
Getty Conservation Institute publications available , (04-05-2016)
Publication on polychrome sculpture , (04-05-2016)
Publication on West Coast Minimalism , (04-05-2016)

Duff, Jim
Position at The University of Manchester , (01-19-2016)

Duffus, Philippa
Questionnaire on tapestry conservation , (06-23-2010)

Dufourmantelle, Kenza
Position at Parks Canada , (03-21-2016)

Dugan, Denise
Workshop on restoration of cloth and leather bindings , (06-28-2005)
Courses on Book Conservation , (10-28-2005)

Dugan, Mary Kate
Storage of CD's , (10-27-1995)
Storing slides , (02-26-2001)
Position at National Library of Medicine , (05-23-2005)
Position at National Library of Medicine , (11-15-2007)

Duggan, Emma
Animal mummification , (05-09-2000)
Position at Science Museum, London , (01-08-2013)
Position at Science Museum, London , (05-24-2013)
Position at Science Museum Group , (08-13-2015)
Position at Science Museum, London , (10-06-2015)
Position at Science Museum, London , (10-06-2015)

Duggen, Nina
Selection for preservation , (04-12-1999)

Dullaghan, Jo
Graduate program at Institute of Archaeology, UCL , (03-01-2001)

Dumas, Catherine
Removing adhesive residues , (01-04-2000)
Actualites de la conservation , (02-03-2011)

DuMerer, Danielle
Conference on preservation of printed materials , (12-18-2001)
Symposium on preservation of newspaper , (02-13-2002)

Dumka, Heather
Storage of coins , (11-05-1996)
Phase box rivets , (12-11-1996)
Conservation of tiered collections , (01-28-1998)
Powderpost beetles , (12-15-1998)
Position at the Glenbow Museum , (01-14-1999)
Position at the Glenbow Museum , (02-09-2000)
Position at the Glenbow Museum--addendum , (02-24-2000)
Position at the Glenbow Museum--corrigendum , (02-28-2000)
Light traps , (11-30-2000)
Amines in steam humidification systems , (02-15-2001)
Position at the Glenbow Museum , (07-31-2002)
Position at the Glenbow Museum--addendum , (10-04-2002)
Cake icing , (08-18-2004)
Consolidating rubber , (07-14-2005)
Food products in museum collections , (06-02-2008)
Position at the Glenbow Museum , (10-06-2008)
Position at the Glenbow Museum , (06-16-2010)
Storing campaign medals , (09-07-2011)

Dummer, Julia
Textile wall hangings , (12-13-1999)
Vikane , (03-16-2007)
Textile for historic airplane , (09-09-2008)

Dumont, Barbara
Survey on gelatin , (11-07-2014)

Dumville, Moya
Sketch on waxed canvas , (08-20-2014)
Rakow Research Library and West Lake Conservators Ltd. , (12-08-2014)
Internships at Rakow Research Library and West Lake Conservators Ltd. , (01-29-2016)

Duncan, Alice Smith
Mold on books , (08-10-2005)

Duncan, Lucy E.
Mold on books , (07-14-1993)

Duncan-Huse, Ramona
B & G Mini Fumigation Bubbles , (07-17-1995)
Storage cases , (08-14-1995)
Silk painting supports before 1700 , (09-08-1995)
UV filters , (10-11-1995)
8 ply mat board , (10-25-1995)
Marvelseal and daguerreotypes , (02-01-1996)
Pyroxylin on paper , (03-04-1996)
Moving collections , (05-01-1996)
Lab furniture , (05-01-1996)
Compact storage wheel guidance systems , (04-07-1997)
Professional qualifications , (04-23-1997)
Plastazote , (04-25-1997)
Testing exhibition materials , (04-25-1997)
Ink on glass , (05-22-1997)
Silicone-treated polyester film , (07-28-1997)
Ethafoam , (07-28-1997)
UV lamps , (09-10-1997)
Repairing gravestones , (09-18-1997)
Latex paint on exhibition cases , (09-24-1997)
Air quality , (12-11-1997)
Compact shelving , (01-06-1998)
Purchasing seamless envelopes , (01-15-1998)
Cemeteries , (02-20-1998)
Repairing animation cels , (03-27-1998)
Flooring , (08-27-1998)
Moving chemicals , (10-20-1998)
OP-3 plexiglas , (11-23-1998)
Kerosene odor in storage boxes , (12-03-1998)
IMLS grants , (12-21-1998)
Tinted varnishes , (09-24-1999)
Medical residues , (10-04-1999)
Source for phase box board , (10-29-1999)
Audubon glazes , (02-07-2000)
Fluorescent tubes , (04-04-2001)
Convex glass , (09-07-2001)
Salaries , (04-17-2003)
Demolition of neighboring buildings , (04-23-2003)
Position at Indiana Historical Society , (07-01-2004)
Iron gall ink and solubility , (04-20-2007)
Positions at Indiana Historical Society , (11-20-2007)
Position at Indiana Historical Society , (05-20-2011)
Conservation facilities and the public , (12-16-2011)
Position at Indiana Historical Society , (09-10-2015)

Dunford, Elizabeth
Mammoth tooth , (11-05-2007)
Questionnaire on aesthetics, values and conservation , (02-04-2009)
Museum signage , (03-01-2010)
78 rpm records , (04-01-2011)

Dungate, Katie
Conference on time-based media--addendum , (08-21-2015)

Dungworth, Naomi
Needs assessment survey methods , (06-23-1997)

Dunlap, Sue
Security strips , (06-14-1994)
Photograph storage , (06-21-1994)
Musty odors in books , (08-16-1994)
Disaster workshops , (12-01-1994)
Salvaging water damaged periodicals , (01-30-1995)
Cleaning library collections , (10-06-1995)
Adhesives and plumbing problems , (12-15-1995)
Kapco covers , (12-15-1995)
Dolls , (05-29-1996)
Bookbinding terminology , (10-03-1996)
Edison phonograph cylinders , (10-21-1996)
Storage of posters , (11-22-1996)
Pricing , (04-20-1997)
Drying frozen books , (10-14-1997)
Cleaning phonograph discs , (05-06-1998)
Adhesive on CD-ROM , (08-21-1998)
Storing phonograph records in original jackets , (10-15-1998)
Shelving , (04-23-1999)
Rubberbands and microfilm , (09-23-1999)
Atlas , (08-10-2000)
Clamshell boxes , (02-05-2001)
Board shears , (03-07-2001)
Board creaser , (04-11-2002)
Bookends , (02-13-2003)
Freezers and freeze-drying facilities , (10-27-2003)
Cleaning vellum , (12-04-2003)
Fire extinguishers , (01-08-2008)

Dunphy, John
A death , (03-19-2014)

Dunphy, John A.
Fire at University Products , (03-30-2004)

Dupont, Anne-Laurence
Radioactive graphite bricks , (04-21-1999)
Workshop on museum lighting , (09-08-2003)
Studentship at Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Collections , (03-21-2008)
Position at Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Collections , (05-01-2008)
Position at Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Collections--addendum , (06-03-2008)
LightCheck , (10-20-2008)
PhD studentship at Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Collections , (02-27-2010)
Workshop on chemiluminescence , (05-21-2010)

Dura, Elisabet Cerda
Draps d'aresta , (11-10-2004)
Lanaset dyes , (11-10-2004)
Modostuc , (02-10-2006)

Duran, Carrie
Copper beads , (06-09-2005)
Dataloggers , (07-11-2005)
Wood , (08-12-2005)

Durant, Fletcher
Call for abstracts--AIC Book and Paper Group , (08-06-2014)
Call for presenters--Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting , (10-01-2014)
Giving back to CoOL , (12-11-2014)
Stability of 3-D printing polymers , (03-01-2016)

Durham, Monique
Audio tape and videotape , (05-06-1998)

Durkin, Fran
Removing adhesives from books , (10-15-1996)

Duvernois, Isabelle
Lining table available , (06-22-2007)

Dwan, Antoinette
Scanning archival materials , (03-01-1999)
Long-term effects of solvent treatment on paper and media , (05-21-1999)
WAAC meeting , (10-23-2000)
Workshops on paper conservation , (12-10-2000)
Certification , (12-08-2002)
Rhoplex N-580 , (01-11-2005)
Deacidifying charcoal drawings , (11-03-2008)
Chemicals in small quantities , (04-19-2011)

Dwivedi, Anil
Removing stains from gold , (04-20-2015)

Dy, Eugene K.
Lab design , (08-27-1999)

Dyer, Julia
Position at National Gallery of Victoria , (11-13-2006)

Dykhouse, Clarence
Rounding and backing , (02-01-1996)
Rounding and backing , (02-01-1996)
Metal corners , (12-16-1996)
PARS Library Binding Discussion Group , (02-04-1997)

Dzikic, Veljko
Storing and displaying torn paintings , (03-19-2013)
Light reducing film for light box , (08-19-2013)

Dzikic-Nikolic, Aleksandra
Designing a conservation facility , (12-01-2003)

Dzupina, Rick
Hygrothermograph placement , (01-25-1997)
Silicone-treated polyester film , (07-23-1997)

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