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Subject: Seminar on frames

Seminar on frames

From: Claire Daly <claire.daly<-a>
Date: Thursday, January 27, 2011
"Picture Frames: Early and Modern"
International Academic Projects
National Gallery, Trafalgar Square
Friday 1 July 2011
8:30 am

Cost: UKP125.00/$175.00 USD
Venues: Morning -- National Gallery
        Afternoon -- Tate Britain

For bookings or for further information, contact James Black on +44
207 380 0800 or email info<-a t->academicprojects< . >co< . >uk

This one day seminar offered by International Academic Projects, is
based on lectures and on-site gallery discussions at the National
Gallery and Tate Britain in London.  It examines the changing roles
and history of picture frames from the earliest times up to today,
giving an overview of the influences of the fashions of collectors
and curators at any particular time.  Particular attention is given
to the importance of the frame to the picture and how modern
curators and conservators approach the display and conservation of
picture frames.  This comprehensive day starts at the National
Gallery with gallery and studio discussions, followed by an
afternoon at Tate Britain with further gallery and framing studio
visits and discussions.

Bookings are taken by International Academic Projects



    8:30            Meet at National Gallery,Trafalgar Square, London

    8:40-10-30      Chronological tour of historical frames in the
                    galleries, following the principal styles of
                    European picture frames from the 15th to the
                    19th centuries.
                    Peter Schade, Head of Framing, National Gallery

    10-30-11.00     Discussion

    11-00-11.45     Tour of the Frames Store and Workshop
                    Isabella Kocum, Frames Conservator, National

    11-45-12.30     Talk: "Reframing practices at the National
                    Gallery in the nineteenth and twentieth
                    Louisa Davey, Frames Conservator, National


    14.25           Meet at Tate Britain

    14.30           "Research for establishing a management plan for
                    the framing of the Turner Bequest"
                    Ivan Houghton, Frames Conservation Researcher,

    15.00           "International approaches to Modernist framings
                    with particular regard to Kasimir Malevich"
                    Alastair Johnson, Frames Conservator, Tate

    15.30           Questions

    16.00           "Creating replica frames at Tate"
                    Adrian Moore, Frames Conservation Technician,

                    Tour of the workshop

    16.45           "Changes to appearance, function and context;
                    and how we understand, manage and communicate
                    the assistance that frames give to paintings"
                    Gerry Alabone, Head of Frames Conservation,

                    Tour of the galleries

Claire Daly ACR
Conservator (Decorative Surfaces)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery

                  Conservation DistList Instance 24:36
                Distributed: Saturday, January 29, 2011
                       Message Id: cdl-24-36-014
Received on Thursday, 27 January, 2011

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