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Subject: Workshop on adhesives

Workshop on adhesives

From: Jane Down <jane_down>
Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2001
Adhesives for Textile and Leather Conservation:
Research and Application
An Advanced Professional Development Workshop
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI), Ottawa, Canada
October 15-19, 2001

Practical conservation techniques and science brought together in
one workshop. This five-day workshop given by conservators and
conservation scientists from CCI combines extensive hands-on lab
sessions with informative interactive lectures, demonstrations,
group discussions, and participant talks. Topics include: adhesives
for support, backing, and mounting of textiles and skins/leather,
and for textile mount-making; case histories and ethical concerns;
preparation, application, and techniques for removal of adhesive
backings; a thorough discussion of the latest CCI research on
adhesives as it relates to textiles and skins/leather; plus much

Registration Information: Participants are expected to have
practical background in the conservation of textiles, and/or of
leather and skin objects. Enrollment will be strictly limited to
ensure an appropriate instructor/participant ratio. Registration
fees include lunches, health breaks, materials, participant's manual
with samples, and all applicable taxes.

Prior to July 31, 2001: CAN$700 for Canadian participants / US$950
for all others. On or after July 31, 2001: CAN$950 for Canadian
participants / US$1250 for all others.

CMA Bursaries are available for eligible Canadian participants;
apply directly to CMA (<URL:>).

To register contact

    Christine Bradley
    1030 Innes Road
    Ottawa ON K1A 0M5
    613-998-3721 ext. 250
    Fax: 613-998-4721
    christine_bradley [at] pch__gc__ca

Online registration will soon be available at

Jane Down, Senior Conservation Scientist, CCI

                  Conservation DistList Instance 14:39
                 Distributed: Monday, January 22, 2001
                       Message Id: cdl-14-39-016
Received on Wednesday, 17 January, 2001

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