Subject: Article on conservation methods in research libraries
I'd like to draw your attention to a recently published article that may be of interest: Baker, Whitney, and Liz Dube. 2010. Identifying standard practices in research library book conservation. Library Resources and Technical Services 54(1): 21-39. <URL:> Based on a 2007 survey of book conservation practitioners, the paper describes the field's evolution over the past fifty years and identifies book conservation techniques the survey found to be routinely, moderately, or rarely employed in U.S. research libraries. The authors compare treatment techniques employed for special collections with those used for general collections. Beth Doyle Collections Conservator Duke Univ. Libraries *** Conservation DistList Instance 23:44 Distributed: Sunday, May 9, 2010 Message Id: cdl-23-44-005 ***Received on Friday, 7 May, 2010