Subject: Workshop on scientific analysis
Workshop "One walk through the 20th century: photography, film, vinyl and other plastic materials: Instruments and techniques of conservation and restoration" Villa Bon, Zero Branco Traveso, Italy 120 hours 11-20 July, 2016 The workshop is intended to train the students who wish to gain experience in field of scientific diagnostic of cultural heritage. Topics: Scientific characterization of analog material with FTIR and microscope, and interpretation of the results. Test sample of reproduction techniques and treatment of support for digitalization (experimental part with test of direct positive photo shoot with optical bench and chemical development in dark room, positive development and photographic press-contact technique on paper) Conservation and relocation of works Fee: 350 euros Subscription deadline: 5 June 2016 For info write to jessica.defranceschi<-at->itogv<.>org *** Conservation DistList Instance 29:49 Distributed: Monday, May 16, 2016 Message Id: cdl-29-49-007 ***Received on Sunday, 15 May, 2016