ARSC Recorded Sound Discussion List- Subject Thread Index for 01 2008

Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List

Last updated: Fri Feb 01 06:30:19 GMT 2008
704 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [ARSCLIST] Setting bias and EQ on Technics 1520, Sammy Jones
  • [ARSCLIST] FW: New job postings, Carole F Vidali
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] A wiki-discopedia, Matthew Snyder
  • [ARSCLIST] Reminder - ARSC NY meeting TONIGHT - Thursday 1/31, Dave Nolan
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] U-matic audio mastering, Jeff Willens
  • [ARSCLIST] [Fwd: Conference Announcement], Paul F. Wells
  • [ARSCLIST] Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] TO DAVID LEWIS: Re: Tradition/Everest/Vanguard Classics/Bernie Solomon, Mark Jenkins
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] dbx Disc discography, Tom Fine
  • [ARSCLIST] 2008 ARSC Awards: Nominations Reminder, Bill Klinger
  • [ARSCLIST] More mould questions, Marie OConnell
  • [ARSCLIST] jazz discography: lord vs bruyninckx, Tim Brooks
  • [ARSCLIST] Discographies online, David Lennick
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] A wiki-discopedia?, David Lennick
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] mysteries, david gideon
  • [ARSCLIST] ABX for Dummies, Bruce Kinch
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] George Bernard Shaw recording, Tom Fine
  • [ARSCLIST] Clarification (was Re: A wiki-discopedia?), Jon Noring
  • [ARSCLIST] Fwd: Leon, Dr. Cheryl Thurber
  • [ARSCLIST] Fwd: Re: [ARSCLIST] More supermarket records, more mysteries, Karl Miller
  • [ARSCLIST] jazz discography, Richard Warren
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] supermarket mysteries, David Lennick
  • [ARSCLIST] More supermarket records, more mysteries, David Lennick
  • [ARSCLIST] ABX Testing and perceptual coding tests..., Richard L. Hess
  • [ARSCLIST] FW: The "dumbing down" of Downloaded Recordings, Ruede, Laura
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSCLIST Digest - 26 Jan 2008 to 27 Jan 2008 (#2008-27), Matthew Snyder
  • [ARSCLIST] A/B testing: another approach, Matthew Barton
  • [ARSCLIST] fwd: Christmas compilation, request, David Lennick
  • [ARSCLIST] library publication?, Malcolm Rockwell
  • [ARSCLIST] SuperC - the Swiss army knife of format converters, Mike Richter
  • [ARSCLIST] Discographies, Karl Miller
  • [ARSCLIST] Discography's Demise?, Doug Henkle
  • [ARSCLIST] Fascinating DVD on the musician with the longest recording career, Steve Ramm
  • [ARSCLIST] "slippery" audio cassette, peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] The "dumbing down" of Downloaded Recordings, Malcolm Davidson
  • [ARSCLIST] Batch migration of digital files, John Blythe
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Discographic question "Collector's Grab Bag", Roger and Allison Kulp
  • [ARSCLIST] 16" disc cleaning, Jacqueline von Arb
  • [ARSCLIST] AFC Announce: Register Now for New Deal Symposium, Library of Congress, Stephanie Aileen Hall
  • [ARSCLIST] [Fwd: Re: [ARSCLIST] personnel ID needed], Punto
  • [ARSCLIST] personnel ID needed, David Lennick
  • [ARSCLIST] Mould/Mold, Marie OConnell
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] speaking of ye olde 78 needles ..., Dnjchi
  • [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Boxes for album sets, Don Tait
  • [ARSCLIST] Boxes for album sets, David Lennick
  • [ARSCLIST] NICK's PICKS - lp record label information wanted, Thomas Stern
  • [ARSCLIST] Alan Hovhaness 1984 Birthday Concert recording, John Ross
  • [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Toscanini info?, Don Tait
  • [ARSCLIST] IASA 2008: Call for Papers (Reminder - deadline 31.Jan) IASA 2008: Call for Papers (Reminder - deadline 31.Jan) IASA 2008: Call for Papers (Reminder - deadline 31.Jan), Jacqueline von Arb
  • [ARSCLIST] MD5 Hash Generators, Richard L. Hess
  • [ARSCLIST] Toscanini info?, David Lennick
  • [ARSCLIST] Tito Schipa date, David Lennick
  • [ARSCLIST] Discographical puzzle, Steven Smolian
  • [ARSCLIST] Paper and cardboard discs, Birgit Lotz Verlag
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] paper/cardboard records/paper tape, Dan Nelson
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC Audio Preservation and Restoration Directory Update, Nathan Georgitis
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Hold Down Tape, Alan Lewis
  • [ARSCLIST] Fw: [MLA-L] U.N. tape, Steven Smolian
  • [ARSCLIST] Orrtronics player, phillip holmes
  • [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Kleiber Question, Don Tait
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Hot spins -- two great new Mosaic jazz collections, Matthew Snyder
  • [ARSCLIST] More on the Washington Post retraction re: RIAA, Richard L. Hess
  • [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Kleiber Question, Don Tait
  • [ARSCLIST] January Issue of Black Grooves, Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
  • [ARSCLIST] Mengelberg on Capitol, David Lennick
  • [ARSCLIST] fwd: Modifying a linear turntable, David Lennick
  • [ARSCLIST] SF jazz club, Cary Ginell
  • [ARSCLIST] Kleiber Question, David Lennick
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Phonograph repair services, Steve Ramm
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Airfare Alert for March Conference! MORE!, Steve Ramm
  • [ARSCLIST] RIAA: NEVER MIND, David Lennick
  • [ARSCLIST] British Copyright Developments, Stephen C Leggett
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Libraries, circulation copies and fair use, Roger and Allison Kulp
  • [ARSCLIST] New copyright law, Cary Ginell
  • [ARSCLIST] Hello and help, lovecrafty
  • [ARSCLIST] Glass Based Records - Seeking Preservation and Transfer Information, Linda Reib
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] vinyl 78's, Dnjchi
  • [ARSCLIST] Announcement about radio form/genre headings at the library of Congress, Marsha Maguire
  • [ARSCLIST] CSO Theodore Thomas radio show, Matt Sohn
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] 1/4" tape player, Eric Jacobs
  • [ARSCLIST] <no subject>, Lorin Sklamberg
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] opera question (found!), Jacqueline von Arb
  • [ARSCLIST] CD-R error rates, Richard L. Hess
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio History in a Nutshell Part Deux, Don Tait
  • [ARSCLIST] Audio Fidelity, spcv1@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • [ARSCLIST] Audio Fidelity Records, jeff shucard
  • [ARSCLIST] Art Tatum Concert, Tyrone Settlemier
  • [ARSCLIST] Korngold by Korngold, David Lennick
  • [ARSCLIST] "They've gone about as fur as they c'n go.", Roger and Allison Kulp
  • [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Telefunken pressings Was:Pristine Audio (?!), Don Tait
  • [ARSCLIST] CD's, spcv1@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • [ARSCLIST] Educo Records, Charles Amirkhanian
  • [ARSCLIST] thanks, Susan T Stinson
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] CD-R question, Dnjchi
  • [ARSCLIST] microcassette cases, Trey Bunn
  • [ARSCLIST] Subject: [ARSCLIST] Article on processing a Woodie Guthrie wire,recording, Neal Lavon
  • [ARSCLIST] opera question, Susan T Stinson
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] RCA Victor 20-2765 (last hurrah), Tyrone Settlemier
  • [ARSCLIST] Article on processing a Woodie Guthrie wire recording, Joel Bresler
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSCNY - Annoncing Formation of a New York Chapter of ARSC, Dave Nolan
  • [ARSCLIST] Fine studio, was Re: Early Mercury LP, Doug Pomeroy
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Playing Decelith Records, Milan P. Milovanovic
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Eric Coates on Parlophone, Nigel Barrett
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Staggering between distant heads, Steven C. Barr(x)
  • [ARSCLIST] Airfare Alert for March Conference!, Brenda strauss
  • [ARSCLIST] Early Mercury LP, Dnjchi
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] test, Dnjchi
  • [ARSCLIST] Panhellenion, Panhellenic, Papagika, Coula & cafe aman in New York, Ian Nagoski
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Telefunken pressings Was:Pristine Audio (?!), Roger and Allison Kulp
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] How not to mike an orchestra/the death of high fidelity, spcv1@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] polyester or acetate?, Marcos Sueiro Bal
  • [ARSCLIST] Translations, Mike Richter
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Distance between staggered heads (+Magnecord and Emory Cook), Jim Long
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Oddball formats (was Distance between staggered heads), Mwcpc6
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] How not to mike an orchestra, Michael Shoshani

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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