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[ARSCLIST] More mould questions

We are currently looking at the issues surrounding mould/mold.  Our
existing collections have been housed in a temperature/humidity
controlled environment for years.  Problems develop as we take in
accessions of collections where we have had no control over where or how
they have been cared for.

As more space becomes available we are looking at an area that is
purpose-built and acts as an isolation room for "sick" collections. 
Infact we would prefer to have two areas, one for the storage of "sick"
collections and the other as the decontamination work room.

My question is, has anyone on the list built anything like this and
what were some of the requirements eg. hepa filters.



Marie O'Connell
Analogue Tape Preservation Archivist
Sound Archives/Nga Taonga Korero
PO Box 1531
Radio New Zealand House
Level 1, 51 Chester Street West
Phone  +64 3 374 8443
Fax  + 64 3 374 8448

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