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[ARSCLIST] ARSCNY - Annoncing Formation of a New York Chapter of ARSC

Hello Fellow ARSC Members - 

Happy new year, and I hope you are all doing well.

I would like to announce the formation of a New York area Chapter of the
Association of Recorded Sound Collections, also known as ARSC.  

Our first meeting will be on Thursday, 1/31/08, at the 92nd Street Y in New
York City, from 7pm to 9pm - and everyone with an interest in audio
archiving and its many related disciplines is invited to attend and take
part.  The address is:

92nd Street Y - Buttenwieser Library (2nd Floor)
1395 Lexington Ave. (between 91st & 92nd Streets)
New York,  NY  10128

Please RSVP to arscny@xxxxxxxxxxxxx if you hope to attend to help us plan
for chairs and refreshments :-)

Recent programs on audio archiving and analog playback techniques at the
Audio Engineering Society convention and New York AES chapter meeting were
well attended, as have been programs on audio archiving presented by METRO
(Metropolitan New York Library Council).  Whether your interest is as a
private collector, audio archivist, librarian, audio engineer, discographer,
historian, author, or any other field of interest that touches on preserving
audio for generations to come, then this is the place for you to come and
learn more about audio preservation and what others in your field are doing.
 There is an immense interest in and need for programming on audio
archiving-related topics, and we hope to fill that need in the New York area
- with your participation, of course.

Please feel free to forward this message and re-post on any mailing lists or
bulletin boards where you think there would be interest - we would like to
see as diverse a group of audio professionals, librarians, historians, audio
preservationists, and audio collectors as possible.  

Please note - all meetings of the New York chapter of ARSC will be FREE and
OPEN TO ANYONE WHO WISHES TO ATTEND.  We of course encourage anyone who
attends to become a member of ARSC and to participate as fully as they can
in the organization, but we feel that the programs we hope to present will
have such useful and important information as to attract attendance and
participation by individuals far beyond the scope of current ARSC members,
which will be positive for all who participate.

Thanks for your kind attention, and I hope to see you at the end of January
in New York City :-)

dave nolan
Audio Archivist
92nd Street Y
1395 Lexington Ave.
NYC  NY  10128

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