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Re: [ARSCLIST] BBC Transcriptions; was: How not to mike an orchestra

At 1/3/2008 01:37 PM, you wrote:
I can attest to the outstanding sound,and pressings of the BBC Symphony transcription Lps I own,from the 60s and 70s.

When I visited BBCTS in 1977, they told me that those discs were mastered and pressed or them by either EMI or Decca, but they were able to get better quality than the usual products, purely because they wouldn't accept anything less. As a result, the mastering folks quickly learned that they had to pay attention when doing work for the Beeb, or they'd either get the job back to do again or lose the contract.

And of course, most Transcription Service discs were small-volume jobs, so there wasn't the same kind of deterioration of pressing quality when a stamper was used for many thousands of copies.

John Ross

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