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Re: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Kleiber Question

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger and Allison Kulp" <thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx>
> Yes Don,it was LL 239,or something along those lines.Some day when I feel
better,I'll dig it out and put it on.This recording dates from 1950.
> So is this one of those records that was issued in the US on London at the
time, and not on Decca in the UK ? Or is this a different recording entirely
than the 1950 one ? Kleiber died in '56,so there may be at least stereo
recording on him ? Is there a 1956 Mozart opera with him that was done in
AFAIK, any recordings issued on London but NOT on UK Decca were recorded
in the US (or, occasionally, in Canada). Of course, I claim NO encyclopedic
knowledge of classical recordings (or those of non-78 sort)...?!

Steven C. Barr

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