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Re: [ARSCLIST] speaking of ye olde 78 needles ...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Oliver Mueller-Heubach" <ommuel@xxxxxx>
> cactus needles are not just pointed, but also barbed along their length...
> combined with [I suspect] a much higher silica content than normal woody
> thorns makes me think they probably aren't the best choice of needle.. just a
> thought.
>  Aren't Yucca tips partly flat? I think my choice for a strong, rounded thorn
> would be greenbrier. Again- no experience- though I think I played an LP with
> small cactus needle stuck in a styrofoam cup when I was little (blame Mr.
> Wizard).
Don't Osage Orange trees/bushes have thorns? Back home in Illinois,
we knew those as "hedge apples"...

Steven C. Barr

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