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Re: [ARSCLIST] The "dumbing down" of Downloaded Recordings

Good point Don. But wouldn't any releases, no matter what the format is, that has had a copyright issued, still need to be submitted to the LOC? If not, provisions for archiving of this type of material would seem a likely topic in this forum.
On Jan 26, 2008, at 5:04 AM, Don Cox wrote:

On 26/01/08, carlstephen koto wrote:
I agree with Roger on this subject. I think that the record companies
are in a transition phase. Maybe they finally decided that suing their
customers wasn't such a wise business move. In regards to the poor
quality that downloaded music offers, I think that this distribution
model is still in it's infancy and is slowly improving as technology
has allowed it. Off the top of my head, iTunes only been around as a
download source for a few years now? When it first started to sell
music, it was only available as Mp3 or AACs. Then some of the
downloads were available in Apple lossless. The fact that most folks
migrated from dial up to DSL in the last couple of years would have
made large files impractical before that. Apple's recent announcement
that iTunes would begin offering HD movies with DTS 5.1 sound in March
should be evidence that there is no lack of bandwidth to stream any
audio format currently in use. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I
think that it won't be that long before iTunes makes it's next
improvement in sound quality options. I just hope that they start with
the "live" orchestral concerts. Steve

People should look at Tasmin Little's site:


This successful violinist is offering free downloads, an educational
project, news, and links to Amazon for all her commercial CDs. I think
this is the future. No doubt she will soon be selling downloads and CDs
too, but she particularly wants to encourage people to go to her live

My only concern is that if each musician or group has their own site and
distribution, their archives may not be well preserved. What happens to
the 24/96 files when a band breaks up?

Don Cox

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