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Re: [ARSCLIST] Batch migration of digital files

batch and many files sound like a job for some shell script with perl on
*nix or cygwin. Should be easily done by any third class programmer.

i hope this helps you a little bit,

On Jan 24, 2008 9:14 PM, John Blythe <jblythe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I'm working at an institution with a large number of analog recordings
> that
> have been digitized and reside on audio CDs (as opposed to data files on
> CD). When I say large I mean in the thousands. We're now interested in
> migrating the audio to a "dark archive" - backed up storage.
> I'm looking for software that will extract the audio from CD and copy it
> into the dark archive. With such a large volume of recordings we're hoping
> to automate as much of the process as possible. We have a robot copier
> that
> can copy two CDs simultaneously, but the software creates a new file for
> each track on the CD rather than copying the disc at once. Also, the
> software does not generate a log for each CD copied or session of copying.
> The log is helpful in understanding where errors may have occurred.
> We're looking for software that would automate the functions of an
> application like Plextor's PlexTools or Exact Audio copy.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> John Blythe

Maurice Mengel
Ethnological Museum
Ethnomusicological Department
Arnimallee 27
14195 Berlin

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