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[ARSCLIST] paper/cardboard records

Hello -- 
I'm Dan, longtime lurker, first-semester student at UT Austin's School of Information and dyed-in-the-wool vinyl junkie.  Very exciting to be taking a class on audio preservation this spring, but I am struggling more than expected with the first assignment, which involves a brief history of an early audio format.
I chose paper/cardboard records for my topic.  Historical surveys of recorded media I've browsed have made little mention of this ephemeral-in-every-sense-of-the-word format.  Online sources like RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, The Music Index Online, Library Literature & Information Science, and Academic Search Complete have either been fruitless or have basically directed me to articles directing me in turn to the only website with much substantive information on the subject, the excellent Internet Museum of Flexi/Cardboard/Oddity Records (assembled by Mac, host of the WFMU's Antique Phonograph Music Program).
I've contacted Mac pressing him for sources, but was wondering in the meantime if any ARSClist members knew anything about the paper/cardboard record's history - or knew of any good articles or written/research sources that I might explore.  Thanks so much!
best,Dan Shiman

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