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Re: [ARSCLIST] Pancake horror story

I left out one "joyful".


Robert J Hodge wrote:
The boy stood on the boining deck Eatin' peanuts by the peck.
Why oh why did he not go?
Because he knew he'd float!


-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Lennick
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 7:00 PM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Pancake horror story

The man with plenty of good peanuts is giving his neighbor none.
He shan't have any of my peanuts when his peanuts are gone.
Oh that'll be joyful, joyful,
Oh that'll be joyful, when his peanuts are gone.


Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:
Hey,those of us who receive peanuts from other people,have to get rid
of them somehow...

David Lennick <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Omigod, please don't get
me started on peanuts. I order from eBay regularly and
buy from most of the major auction dealers, and I scream long and loud
when I
have to open a large package of 78s buried in peanuts, which have
charged and fragmented and have gotten in between the discs (and all
hell's half acre as I try and remove a 20 pound hockey puck of 78s).
If I had
the power to uninvent anything, it would be a tossup between the jewel
case and
styrofoam peanuts, but ultimately the peanuts would win. (All the
dealer has to
do is wrap something..anything..newspaper, bubble wrap, saran wrap, a
bag, around the discs ..but noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!)


Robert J Hodge wrote:
And peanuts compress and fracture when used to pack anything weighty,
becoming a totally useless mess.

And Tom's previously mentioned problem with static electricity cling
110% true! Even if the desirable materials are bagged before packing.
Don't use them !!!

Bob Hodge

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Scott Phillips
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 11:50 AM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Pancake horror story

Another reason to ship by the fastest way possible is that the
recordings (tape, disk, whatever) will not spend 4 days on either an
unheated loading dock being rained or snowed on, and in the summer
sit in 100+ degree 95% humidity degree sunshine waiting for shipment
more than they have to....

I'd also second the notion that keeping the weight down makes
more likely to be gentle. My own experience is not to use peanuts as
packing material, even in the box within a box situation. Using heavy
bubble wrap with no real space for things to shift works best for me.
Otherwise the box in the center with the recordings in it acts like a
pendulum inside the outer box every time it is dropped. Peanuts just
allow too much movement, settle, and have static electricity
Years ago I worked for Sony in QA, and in packaging drop tests for
products it became clear that contrary to what would seem to be
sense, making the packed object and the packaging seem like one mass
holding it securely centered in the packaging with very little give
produced much lower gee forces than allowing 'soft' packaging. The
was both fairly rigid packing materials that kept the shape of what
packed, allowed as little shifting as possible, and allowed enough
around the centrally packed item to protect from damage from outside
protrusion. Bubble wrapping in both the inner and outer boxes fits
bill nicely for most things.

Just my 1.75 cents.... :>)

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tom Fine
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 8:44 AM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Pancake horror story

Hi Malcolm:

The mastering engineer advised the parties to consider the shipment a
"write-off" because the tapes were so mangled as to be unfixable.  He
said the tapes were packed in this sloppy manner -- pancakes tapes
between pieces of cardboard with the edges of the cardboard clamped
tight and taped together (which causes edge damage from the get-go).
boxes were so violently handled in shipping that the cardboard worked
loose in transit, spilling tapes from the hub in most cases and
edges and tape-pack in all cases. Some tapes were packed horizontal,
some verticle, none wrapped in a protective bubblewrap, all in a
large/heavy box that was obviously dropped hard or slammed around en
route overseas and back. The engineer lays blame squarely on the
copyright holder, saying he doubts a box packed that way would make
cross-country intact, much less overseas and back. The engineer
that he can't believe someone would ship master tapes without boxes
as un-flanged pancakes.

I would theorize that ANY tapes packaged this way in
a box would suffer the same damage just being loaded and unloaded
from a
ground-shipping truck. I further theorize the major damage came
in a shipping depot or when cargo shifted during a rough airplane
landing on the way to or from overseas. The point is, if you pack
something too massive, damage is almost inevitable due to simple
physics/gravity, which is why I advise clients to keep boxes small to
medium and weight per box down and wrap everything in bubble wrap. I
forgot to mention last night that I also advise clients to wrap
disks and tapes in a plastic bag during most seasons so as to avoid
damage if the box is dunked in a puddle or slush in the gutter or
out in the rain. The nesting a box within a box can be very helpful if there is a sea
packing material to absorb blunt force.

If I didn't know and trust the people who told me this story, and if
they weren't directly involved, I'd never believe this could have
happened with master tapes owned by a major company. These companies
have been so cored out by "restructuring" and mega-glomeration that
no longer have any knowledgable folks minding the store! I agree with
the engineer, the ultimate blame in this is on the person who chose
pack valuable intellectual property in such a sloppy manner. I would
suggest the shipper behaved like a typical shipper -- these guys are
in the "careful" business.

My takeaway is never ship pancakes, always have reels in boxes, tape
boxes shut and wrap in bubble-wrap (none of this taping and wrapping
tight enough to squish the reel or tape-pack, by the way), pack tapes
either horizontally or vertically but not both, use medium-sized
and nest the box within a larger box in a sea of force-absorbing
material. Perhaps also wrap the nested box in plastic so it is
water-tight. Keep your total weight of tapes vastly under-spec'd to
boxes, so simple physics is your ally instead of your enemy. And ship
via the fastest way you can afford so the tapes do not stay long in
transit. And insure to full value which might, just might, catch a
shipper's attention before they heave your box off a 2-story drop.
and of course communicate clearly enough that you know exactly where
send the tapes!

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message -----
From: "Malcolm Davidson" To: Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Pancake horror story


"Names deleted because this was told to me in confidence. Suffice to
these tapes are valuable
and not replaceable."

This is the statement that caught my attention! Surely anyone
such a
decision to send originals needs educating, and rather quickly. I
there is anyone on this list who would willingly send original
anywhere by shipping company. It shows that, in this case, the
company had
scant regard for the inherent value of the original analog tapes.
must send them go with a courier)

Unfortunately it's the same mind set that many people often have
comes to file back up. A hard disk crash wipes out files that were
backed up, now what? In the above case, at least we hope there were
copies of the files.

Malcolm Davidson

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Fine" To: Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:37 PM
Subject: [ARSCLIST] Pancake horror story

Some people swear by the practice of storing reels of tape as
"pancakes" on a hub. There
are some well-documented benefits to this practice, from
possibly avoiding damage if
the box is dropped and flange is mangled badly enough to damage the
tape-pack. Well, let me tell you
a tale ...

Names deleted because this was told to me in confidence. Suffice to
these tapes are valuable
and not replaceable.

Tapes were archived on hubs, mistakenly shipped overseas and
the way back in transit.
Badly mangled. It will be lucky if there are not unrepairable
problems in
parts of tape containing
music. This would not have happened if the tapes were on reels,
the mangling was bad enough
that the reels may have been bent. The owners of the tapes
the shipping company but
I would argue that it's a lesson in just how brutal shippers can
especially if a communications
problem of lower-level employees gets something sent overseas and
My take-away was that if one is to ship tapes as boxed-pancakes,
to take extreme measures
to keep the tape-pack rigid and protected. I would even suggest
something up using a metal
film can. Certainly don't use decades-old cardboard boxes, even if
are grouped in large box and
surrounded by rigid packing material.

-- Tom Fine

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