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Re: [ARSCLIST] Discography's Demise?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Lennick" <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Or not..a collection of musical (or other) entities is still called an ALBUM,
> which is a term that originated over 85 years ago and was borrowed from "photo
> album" or any other bound collection of single pages or sleeves. Terminology
> can outlive its original description.
As "album" certainly proves...! In fact, when a present-day musical
aggregation goes into a "studio" (another term which has long since
outlived its application...?!), they always tell "music editors"
that they are "cutting" (?!) their latest "album"...?!

In the earliest days of phonorecords (and, as well, in Europe...!)
one could purchase a collection of somehow-related phonorecords
in/complete with an "album," which allowed one to keep those
selfsame phonorecords neatly stored together...

In fact, Decca(US) DID issue "LP albums" as such...that is, sets
of two or more musically-related LP recordings, which were sold
in 12" "Albums"....! These days, sets of (theoretically) related
CD's are issued as...and referred to as..."box sets!"

Steven C. Barr

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