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Re: [ARSCLIST] paper/cardboard records

Try this web site for cardbaord/paper records of the
60s, http://www.pop-arena.com/articles/cardboard.html.
They were quite the thing lead by Walt Disney artists
on Whearies boxes.
During 1930-32  Hit of the Week/Durium  company 
produced millions of cardboard 10" records and  3"
round and 4" square  Durium records for advertising..
the 4" were mailed as a post card. 
During the 40s.  WW2 era  cardboad base with cellulose
coating were made for home recorders and USO  provided
these free and facilities to record messages from GIs
to be sent home.
Dan... ive got samples and pics of each of these if
you need them for your project.


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