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Re: [ARSCLIST] Batch migration of digital files

Hello John

On 24/01/08, John Blythe wrote:
> I'm working at an institution with a large number of analog recordings
> that have been digitized and reside on audio CDs (as opposed to data
> files on CD). When I say large I mean in the thousands. We're now
> interested in migrating the audio to a "dark archive" - backed up
> storage.
> I'm looking for software that will extract the audio from CD and copy
> it into the dark archive. With such a large volume of recordings we're
> hoping to automate as much of the process as possible. We have a robot
> copier that can copy two CDs simultaneously, but the software creates
> a new file for each track on the CD rather than copying the disc at
> once. Also, the software does not generate a log for each CD copied or
> session of copying. The log is helpful in understanding where errors
> may have occurred.
> We're looking for software that would automate the functions of an
> application like Plextor's PlexTools or Exact Audio copy.
> Any suggestions? 
It could be worth asking the EAC people.

From their web site:
"A SDK of EACs extraction routines is available for licensing. 
The SDK consists of a DLL that can easily be integrated into a 
variety of programming environments like Visual C++, Delphi 
or even Visual Basic. It comes with interface definitions for these 
environments and a detailed documentation.

 As this is a commercial project, the licensing cost is most probably 
only affordable for commercial projects. EACs routines are often 
used for archival purposes, e.g. in YLE and other radio stations. 
It is also used in end-user applications like e.g. CD-Tag."

> Thanks in advance for your help.
> John Blythe
Don Cox

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