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Re: [ARSCLIST] The "dumbing down" of Downloaded Recordings

-----Original Message-----
>From Tom Fine: "...MANY CD titles are being taken out of print, and not
because a reissue is made with a better 
remaster of the same material. One of the first consultant-driven cutbacks a
megaglomerate makes to 
keep its stock price from cratering is to make a an ever-higher cutoff point
for number of units 
sold per time period in order for an item to stay in-print..."

This certainly affects decisions about new pressing runs. I'm told the real
underlying problem is that the "megaglomerate"  retail stores are returning
everything that they can't turn over within six weeks. The one-two punch of
Napster and Amazon have killed the classical market dead because a huge
percentage of sales in the past came from folks who were browsing and
stumbled across something interesting in the classical section of a store.

Bob Olhsson Audio Mastery, Nashville TN
Mastering, Audio for Picture, Mix Evaluation and Quality Control
Over 40 years making people sound better than they ever imagined!
615.385.8051 http://www.hyperback.com

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