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[ARSCLIST] jazz discography: lord vs bruyninckx

I published a fairly thorough review of the Lord discography, version 3.3,?in the ARSC Journal a few years ago (comparing it with the similar work by Bruyninckx). It's available on my website, www.timbrooks.net, under Book and CD Reviews, if you want to give it a quick look.

I'd be interested in what changes/improvements have been made since then. The Bruyninckx CD ROM, which is less aggressively marketed, has also been updated and improved in recent years. They both had strengths. At the time, at least, Lord offered easier access to the data but Bruyninckx had better information and detail.

Tim Brooks

Date:    Tue, 29 Jan 2008 09:11:24 -0500
From:    Richard Warren <richard.warren@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: jazz discography
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Hi Folks,

The Yale Music Library has received a big pitch for Tom Lord's jazz 
discography on-line; but I've not encountered it before.

I'd welcome comments from anyone who has seen a review of it or has used it.

Thanks, Richard

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