Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List - Subject Thread Index for Oct 2005

Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List

Last updated: Thu Oct 04 13:31:06 GMT 2007
450 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [ARSCLIST] Website back up, Bryan E Cornell
  • [ARSCLIST] John Dolce recording / Capitol Records, Laura Botts
  • [ARSCLIST] Fw: [78-l] Fw: [ARSCLIST] History help needed (Radio history), Steven C. Barr
  • [ARSCLIST] Cleaning phono parts, Dnjchi
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC-AUDIO.ORG, Bryan E Cornell
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Capitol's recording studios, Rod Smear
  • [ARSCLIST] code on Victor label, Paul Charosh
  • [ARSCLIST] Billboard International Buyers Guide, Karl Miller
  • [ARSCLIST] Jelly Roll Morton Film, Neal Lavon
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] History help needed, david diehl
  • [ARSCLIST] EAD and Audio Archives, Farris G. Wahbeh
  • [ARSCLIST] Transfer job in SF, Kurt Nauck
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSCLIST protocols, Sam Brylawski
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] HOLY DOG SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!, JPPiano
  • [ARSCLIST] Digitization, Ishumael Zinyengere
  • [ARSCLIST] LoC and war reporting, Lou Judson
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Turntable Reverse Rotation, Steven Smolian
  • [ARSCLIST] Beta Tapes Available in San Francisco, Richard L. Hess
  • [ARSCLIST] Billboard annuals, Steven Smolian
  • [ARSCLIST] Blu-ray is the winner, Forrester declares, Richard L. Hess
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] discographies, Paul Charosh
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Verve, but not Jazz, Cary Ginell
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] original sequence of two Verve records, Cary Ginell
  • [ARSCLIST] Schwann's papers, Steven Smolian
  • [ARSCLIST] Library of Congress and SAMMA, Richard Billeaud
  • [ARSCLIST] Hear it Now, Paul J Eisloeffel
  • [ARSCLIST] NY Phil release date needed (Columbia), David Lennick
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] ^Matthew Henson and Josephine Peary, Dnjchi
  • [ARSCLIST] "Google says it's just improving card catalogs" (fwd), Karl Miller
  • [ARSCLIST] LJ Academic Newswire Thursday, October 13, 2005 (fwd), Karl Miller
  • [ARSCLIST] Storing Mini-Discs, McCormick, Kathleen
  • [ARSCLIST] a discussion on Public Domain, Dick Spottswood
  • [ARSCLIST] record needed, Dick Spottswood
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Seen at AES NYC, Prentice, Will
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Collectables Records, Michael Fitzgerald
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Carnegie Hall 1957, Matthew Snyder
  • [ARSCLIST] Copyright, Karl Miller
  • [ARSCLIST] Appointments at the Library of Congress MBRS Division, Gregory Lukow
  • [ARSCLIST] Hello..1st time user, Rod Smear
  • [ARSCLIST] A tale of a recording, Mike Richter
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] 78's and PD, was Curatorial Responsibility, formerly Copyright of treasures, Farrington, Jim
  • [ARSCLIST] legal action, and libraries & archives, Matthew Snyder
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Curatorial Responsibility, formerly Copyright of treasures, Mwcpc6
  • [ARSCLIST] Italo Campanini cylinders, Otto Striebel
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Copyright of treasures, Dave Nolan
  • [ARSCLIST] old acetate tapes - curling/tape tension remedies?, dave n
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC Fall Newsletter deadline, David Seubert
  • [ARSCLIST] Nominations for the 2006 ARSC Awards for Excellence, Bill Klinger
  • [ARSCLIST] Fwd: Digital Document Quarterly v4 #3 is available C, Richard L. Hess
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Storage of audio CDs (preservation by distribution), Mwcpc6
  • [ARSCLIST] education or internships, gompers
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] water damaged media, Siue Moffat
  • [ARSCLIST] Storage question of wax cylinders, Colin Schlachta
  • [ARSCLIST] Halftime position at New York Public Library, sara
  • [ARSCLIST] water damaged cds, Siue Moffat
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] MGM Classics, was [ARSCLIST] Disaster recovery- LPs, Karl Miller
  • [ARSCLIST] Edison Cygnet horn research query, Ryan Donaldson
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Disaster recovery- LPs, David Lennick
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Storage of audio CDs, Tom Fine

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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