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Re: [ARSCLIST] MGM Classics, was [ARSCLIST] Disaster recovery- LPs

Karl Miller wrote:

> I have heard differing stories...one came from Hovhaness who said that
> when he wanted to buy the masters of his own music, nobody could find
> them. Then I had a note from Lukas Kendall, who has his Film Score
> Monthly label, and, as I recall, has issued some of the MGM scores.
> Lukas mentioned that he thought they might still exist. I keep looking and
> will follow up on Tom's suggestion about contacting Universal...assuming
> they will ever reply.

They won't. But it's possible that masters exist somewhere, since a few MGM albums
were reissued on Heliodor in the 70s (Weill's Johnny Johnson, for one).

Aren't most of those albums now approaching the 50-year mark anyway?


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