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Re: [ARSCLIST] discographies

At 10:13 PM 10/19/2005, Steven Barr wrote:
Note that my database is intended for cataloguing, not

Yes, exactly.

Cataloging isn't what I want to do and I believe that an accurate comprehensive discography is of more value.

When such a thing is produced, the cataloger can refer to it and *then* note any unique characteristics of the Item (using the FRBR meaning). Too much effort has been put into cataloging that adds superfluous discographical information instead of separating out what FRBR defines as Work, Expression, and Manifestation (what the BRIAN application calls Song, Performance, Issue).

Catalogs are great if you want to inventory a specific collection (or to create an imaginary joint collection). If you aim for something broader, problems ensue. Catalogs do a great job with material that has been issued once. Reissues and repackagings introduce difficulties. But a discography that starts with the session (not the issue) has no trouble with them.


mike at JazzDiscography.com

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