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Re: [ARSCLIST] Requiem for the DAT (redux, was Storage of audio CDs)

At 10:46 AM 10/3/2005, Karl Miller wrote:

And, on a related note. I guess I must not be keeping up with things much
lately...but yesterday a friend of mine was asking about recommendations
on which DAT machine to buy to replace his...I was rather surprised to see
that the format seems to be disappearing quickly.

Perhaps someone on the list has some information on this...are DAT
machines about to go the way of the 8-track cartridge?

Hi, Karl,

I posted this on August 17th of this year:

From: "Richard L. Hess" <ArcLists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Requiem for the DAT

It is my understanding from several audio technical lists that I'm on that the last manufacturer of DAT transports (Alps) has ceased production and no more DAT machines will be made. Parts will also become scarce in the not-too-distant future.

A word to the wise to any archive holding DATs. Sony no longer lists DATs in their ProAudio Web site, and I've been told that Tascam has stopped listing them as well, though Tascam still has cassette machines!!!

Oh, and repairing and cobbling analog reel machines is child's play compared to trying to make a from-the-ground-up DAT.

Good luck!

I am very concerned about this.

There is an archive that has more Mitsubishi X-86 tapes than remaining head life, as I understand it. While that situation will be easier to sort out with musicians dumping DAT machines on eBay (they are much more common than X-86 machines) I must urge people as I did a month and a half ago that it would be good practice to transfer all their DAT holdings (which many of us recommended against as an archival format from the beginning) to a more stable medium. Gold CD-Rs for the short term, or managed, perpetual storage for the long term.

Many of us in the tape restoration business are set up for digital DAT transfer as Tom Fine pointed out. One of the challenges is deciding what to do with 48 ks/s DATs. Do you save them as files or downsample to 44.1 ks/s for audio CDs. I guess the answer is partially, "it depends." Here's where a file system makes things easier. Perhaps the answer is "both."

I may be a Luddite, but I'm still a wee bit nervous about DVDs for long-term archival storage (as files, of course).



Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Vignettes Media web: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm

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