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Re: [ARSCLIST] discographies

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dr. Cheryl Thurber" <cthurb@xxxxxxxxx>
> I agree with the statement made by Steve about the
> importance of correcting information in an online
> database. 
> I would also like the possibility of downloading it,
> or personalizing.  For example. I would really like a
> version of the (New) Country discography that I could
> use with my own collection to indicate what I have and
> in what condition, as well as to make corrections.
> (Could someone with connections suggest to the press
> that a disc would be very useful.) 
> The Rust Entertainment discography is badly in need of
> corrections, aside from all the missing artists. I
> have the 2nd edition, but I know that was not widely
> available. My copy of the first edition has tons of
> corrections written in. (They also aren't all included
> in the 2nd edition.) I also use the first edition as a
> check list to indicate what I have. The missing
> information for that discography is who did the other
> side since many of the
> entertainment/personality/comedy/novelty records had 2
> different artists.
> As long as we are talking about improvements we may as
> well think big to design something with the features
> we might want to use, including of course titles, and
> I would add key words, or topical. 
> In addition to signing corrections, we might also want
> to indicate if the person making the corrections
> actually has the record and can verify the
> information. 
What is really needed is some sort of facility where everyone
who has made any notes correcting or adding to the Rust (and
other) discographic works could submit them, and they could
then be checked and compared to create as complete as
possible a set of changes!

Steven C. Barr

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