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Re: [ARSCLIST] MGM Classics, was [ARSCLIST] Disaster recovery- LPs

David Lewis wrote:

> Universal is the successor to MGM Classics. As to whether they might have
> one MGM Classics tape or another is anyone's guess. Most, if not all, of the
> tapes were made in East Germany and sent back to the U.S. for editing. When
> MGM pulled the plug on their classical division in 1956, this stranded a
> good number of albums. Some of these additional titles appeared on labels
> like CRI and even some of the Oberstein labels like Halo. The Halo issue of
> Richard Korn's "Arniana," intended for MGM but not released by them, clearly
> hasn't been fully edited, as long gaps are apparent on the LP.

MGM was no slouch either when it came to forgetting to edit..the Bach Chaconne
played by Andres Segovia, ex Musicraft, didn't bother to join the three sides
but just left them with pauses in between.

> Some of the recordings were re-issued in the late 1960s, in cheap LP box
> sets or in single albums that had a generic cover.

As I mentioned, I think these were just pressed from original parts..any that
I've had seem to be. There's still some rare stuff in that catalogue, like Peggy
Glanville-Hicks' Etruscan Concerto.


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