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Re: [ARSCLIST] Cat-astrophy, was [ARSCLIST] Disaster recovery- LPs

"Steven C. Barr" wrote:

> I'm currently trying to do some simple digital cataloguing of
> the contents of the 300 or so milk boxes full of 78's I moved from
> Toronto back in 1997. So far, I've found some water damage in a
> couple of boxes (one I expected...it was under water for a couple
> of weeks due to a plugged sewer...the other was the bottom half
> a dozen records in a box of flat-stored discs).
> The biggest problem (or so I thought) was going to be the fact
> that the resident felines had liberally marked their shellac
> territory. Oddly enough, the only problem I have seen so far
> is that discs, sleeves and boxes are, shall we say, odiferous...
> even a few records that I found in sleeves damp with...well,
> you know...seemed not to have suffered any permanent damage!
> It does seem to have rendered a number of labels illegible,
> however...
> I didn't exactly to make this test, but I thought I might
> share the results (in case anyone is offered old 78's by
> a cat-loving little old lady?)...
> Steven C. Barr

Any time I borrow a record from Steve to transfer, I clean it on the Monks, put
it in a new sleeve, stick it among the other records I'm going to use, and my
cat is still all over it like a cheap suit.


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