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Re: [ARSCLIST] Storing Mini-Discs

Kathleen and others,

We've got quite a pile of MDs around here--and it's a pile that keeps growing for a variety of reasons as well.

I'm in agreement with what has been said prior--digitally transfer the files off the discs, save the files, store the discs.

Here's how we manage:

Using a Sony MDS-E10 (an E11 or E12 would be great too, we just couldn't afford them at the time) we transfer them digitally to a PC via the unit's TOSlink optical out. The MDS-E10/11/12 is one of the only component units out there that will let you do a digital transfer of MD. The hassle is that it's a real time transfer, coupled to the fact that I don't think Sony makes the unit anymore. As I believe was mentioned recently on the list, the discontinued HHB field unit also allows digital out via USB and I believe the discontinued Marantz field MD unit allows for the same as well.

We store the files in our semi-"managed" way--i.e. using a variation on the timeless JBOD (Just a Bunch Of Disk) approach (in our case two external Maxtor drives and an internal drive on a PC) and CD-R. Our CD-R approach involves burning data disks on two different gold disks (Mitsui and Taiyo Yuden) as well as our "use" copy on a silver Mitsui disk.

I realize that this is far from optimal, but it is the best we are able to do under our current circumstances.

On another note, thanks to the wonders that are the transcription software Express Scribe http://www.nch.com.au/scribe/ (free) and StartStop http://www.startstop.com/home.asp ($200), we no longer have to make cassette copies for transcription. By all accounts Express Scribe is great. Its a free download and compatible footpedals are available for around $80. Much less than a good quality cassette transcriber!

I save the MD discs too. I keep them upright in a standard archival box in which they sort of fit. I just scanned the catalogs for the major suppliers--Gaylord, Metal Edge, University, Light Impressions--until I found a box with a lid that got as close to fitting the bill as possible.

Andy Kolovos
Vermont Folklife Center
P.O. Box 442
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-4964
akolovos @ vermontfolklifecenter.org

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