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Re: [ARSCLIST] History help needed

>>> tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10/26/2005 7:11:45 AM >>>
Hi All:

I'm hoping there are some experts here on ye olde days of radio. I'm
to definitively gather the history of the studio spaces at 711 5th
NY, which were eventually home to my father's first studio, Fine
Here's what I know, but as you'll see, there are blanks in the

1. the studios were probably (likely) constructed by National
Co. as their first network studios, circa late 20's. I'm not sure
when they opened for business, but it appears NBC was launched in

2. NBC occupied the studios until 30 Rockefeller Center opened -- in
Not sure of exact date NBC radio studios moved to Rock Center because
is conflicting info (surprise). Perhaps someone has an authoratative
of NBC?

3. World Broadcasting Co. occupied the studios before, during and
WWII. I'm not sure if they were directly after NBC or if there was an
interim occupant. Retired Columbia engineer Frank Laico told me he
for World Broadcasting both before and after his WWII service, in that

Hello Tom,
See: NBC studios move into new quarters. Newsweek 2:32 Nov. 18,  1933.
World was certainly recording by the end of November- but where?

John Hammond on Record (pbk. p. 281):
"By this time Majestic was in receivership, but its new  studios on
East 40th St., under the supervision of an  excellent new engineer, Bob
Fine, were available to outsiders. Mercury became Majestic's principal
customer,  bringing about a vast improvement in the quality of its 
records. In 1948 Majestic finally went out of business, and  Bob Fine
moved to the Reeves Sound Studios, on East 44th  Street, the most modern
ones in the city. Mercury continued  with him at Reeves until 1952..."

Hope this helps

David J. Diehl
Library Director
Texas State Technical College

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