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Re: [ARSCLIST] Copyright of treasures

This is where being a true "archivist" comes in.

We're not doing it because it will necessarily mean something in our 

We're doing it in the hopes that in 100 years or more, if our audio is 
lucky enough to have survived, that future generations will be incredibly 
grateful that someone rolled tape, even if the artist objected.

Imagine if say, some notoriously temperamental artist like Mozart or Franz 
Liszt had demanded that no one record them playing piano, but some sound 
engineer rolled tape anyway...

Who amongst us would say that is was a good thing that the engineer 
respected the artist's wishes at the time?  

Especially if like every true archivist I know, it was done for the love of 
preserving history for future generations, not for material gain...

dave nolan
92nd St. Y
(where we most decidedly DO NOT record artists who say no...)

On Thu, 6 Oct 2005 09:12:31 -0700, Lou Judson <inaudio@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>This is a crux for me - I recorded my work as sound mixer, rarely even 
>asking the artists. Not very ethical, but innocent in intent, and I 
>have never - ever - copied, sold or uploaded any of them. Hardly 
>listened to most of them!
>Lou Judson ? Intuitive Audio

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