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Re: [ARSCLIST] Copyright of treasures (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Storage of audio CDs (preservation by distribution))

> Karl Miller wrote:
> > And, knowing that the subscribers to this list are amongst the best in
> > reformatting and restoration...I would wonder if anyone would like to
> > share stories on recordings they have preserved that they consider to be
> > treasures...things that, for reasons of the US copyrights, and the
> > potential costs involved (legal and license fees, etc) cannot be made
> > available to the general public. Recordings that may reside in private
> > hands and/or have not been listed in any of the major bibliographic
> > utilities.
Actually, because I live in Canada, I can reissue anything from my
half-vast 78rpm archive that was recorded before January 1, 1955;
in fact, I could offer the copies on the Internet, but all you
US-ians would be breaking the law if you bought them! I would,
however, have to pay the Harry Fox Agency to be entirely legal.

Note that this is as I understand it...

Steven C. Barr

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