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Re: [ARSCLIST] Storage question of wax cylinders

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Colin Schlachta" <colin.schlachta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> The storage of flat discs and audio CD's has been the topic of late, but
> like to raise a question regarding the safe storage of wax cylinders.  My
> question has to do with the original factory cylinder cases.  These cases
> have a cotton lining inside to protect the surface of the cylinder.  This
> may have been the solution in the late 19th century, but is it appropriate
> for today?
> For instance, I came across a case that had clear stone-like objects stuck
> on the inner cotton walls.  It turned out to be drips of glue.  These
> of glue probably came from the Edison factory since there are signs of
> more glue at the bottom of the case.  (Perhaps the factory worker sneezed
> when applying the glue) :-)  With these hard particles being in this
> container, the surface of this particular wax cylinder is now irreparably
> damaged from taking the cylinder out & back in over the years.
> I have only noticed this one example as I work my way through the 3300
> cylinders in this museum's collection.
> I have also found that the cotton lining particles can get in between the
> grooves of a cylinder, and can blend in with dirt or the like.  This is a
> larger problem regarding brown wax cylinders.
> Can anyone tell me if it is best to store wax cylinders in their original
> containers, or is it better to replace them?  I know that there is an
> archival quality cardboard container that exists, but is this the best
> solution?
Another problem that *might* arise with the cotton lining would be
that it could, in theory, absorb moisture in humid conditions?

Steven C. Barr

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