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Re: [ARSCLIST] sorry--Emil Berliner Haus

Again, sorry to make a fool of myself--just woke up and still had cobwebs. But I had a similar outburst when I ran into Stan Ricker on the internet, who credits George Piros with much of what he knows about mastering. But getting back on a real topic (and to not get kicked off the list), in the last issue of HiFi+, Richard S Foster went to visit Emil Berliner Haus where the Mercury Living Presence tapes are being transferred to SACD. They're using the first generation 3 tracks (and a few 2 tracks) and time hasn't been kind. The guy's having all kinds of problems tracking down all the tapes (how many times have they been moved?) and the oxide is flaking off at an alarming rate (and stretch too). I can say that the SACDs sound really good and that I can't hear too many drop outs.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@BEVERAGE-

Guys, really, please. I'm just an editor of an industry newsletter with a
studio on the side (gotta pay the mortgage, hence the day job!). My parents
were the real deal with this. I just hope I don't ask dumb enough questions
or post wrong enough opinions to taint the name! BTW, this list is chock
full of great knowledge. I've learned something every day I've lurked or
posted here. Thanks!

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