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Re: [ARSCLIST] Capitol's recording studios

Tome Fine:

> And they built their famous Capitol Tower studio in L.A. in
> the early 60's. There's a very good article about the Tower's
> design and construction in the AES Journal from the time it 
> opened, 

No this is not in the early 60s we´re speaking of 1956/57:

JAES Vol5 No2 April 1957 Page 71:

Author James W. Bayless:

"Innovation in Studio Design and Construction 
 in the Capitol Tower Recording Studios"

> If I recall the AES Journal article
> about the Capitol Tower, they had a very flexible and unique console when
> they opened, maybe one of the first all-solid-state jobs.

Not likely as the transistor was still in its infancy in 1957.


Goran Finnberg
The Mastering Room AB

E-mail: mastering@xxxxxxxxx

Learn from the mistakes of others, you can never live long enough to
make them all yourself.    -   John Luther

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