Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List - Subject Thread Index for Mar 2004

Last updated: Thu Oct 04 09:26:41 GMT 2007
284 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in
reverse chronological order
[ARSCLIST] Net music piracy 'does not harm record sales',
David Seubert
[ARSCLIST] ERPANET Training Seminar: Programme released (Vienna, 10-11 May 2004),
Swiss Editor
[ARSCLIST] New: digital benefits and rarities still to find,
Dave Radlauer
[ARSCLIST] greater Buffalo area,
Don Saklad
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] greater Buffalo area
[ARSCLIST] Was: .BWF backward compatibility New: digital benefits and rarities still to find,
Dave Radlauer
Re: [ARSCLIST] Was: .BWF backward compatibility New: digital benefits and rarities still to find
Steven C. Barr
D Basson
Re: [ARSCLIST] 4 track reel machines
Richard L. Hess
Re: [ARSCLIST] 4 track reel machines
Rod Stephens
Re: [ARSCLIST] 4 track reel machines
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] 4 track reel machines
Richard L. Hess
Re: [ARSCLIST] Book: Preservation And Storage Of Sound Recordings,
Lawrence A Appelbaum
Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSCLIST Digest - .BWF backward compatibility,
Dave Radlauer
Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSCLIST Digest - .BWF backward compatibility
John Spencer
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSCLIST Digest - .BWF backward compatibility
[ARSCLIST] Studer 820 specs,
andy kolovos
[ARSCLIST] tape foramts, azimuth, etc.,
Art Shifrin
[ARSCLIST] Information on open reel players and tapes,
Jay Gaidmore
Re: [ARSCLIST] Information on open reel players and tapes
Richard L. Hess
<Possible follow-ups>
[ARSCLIST] Information on open reel players and tapes
Jay Gaidmore
Re: [ARSCLIST] Information on open reel players and tapes
Mike Richter
Re: [ARSCLIST] Information on open reel players and tapes
Nigel Champion (FOA ANT)
Re: [ARSCLIST] Information on open reel players and tapes
Richard L. Hess
Re: [ARSCLIST] Information on open reel players and tapes
Nigel Champion (FOA ANT)
Re: [ARSCLIST] Information on open reel players and tapes
Richard L. Hess
Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSCLIST Digest - 23 Mar 2004 to 24 Mar 2004 (#2004-65),
Dave Radlauer
[ARSCLIST] static removal on cylinders?,
Eugene Hertz
[ARSCLIST] Prefered format for digital archiving?,
Brandon Burke
Re: [ARSCLIST] Prefered format for digital archiving?
Mike Richter
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Prefered format for digital archiving?
Brandon Burke
[ARSCLIST] Disc doctor on cylinders?,
Eugene Hertz
[ARSCLIST] Academy of Certified Archivists exam in Atlanta?,
Watsky, Lance
[ARSCLIST] Fw: Gennett again,
Dick Spottswood
[ARSCLIST] Wax Cylinder Damage,
Colin Schlachta
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Wax Cylinder Damage
David S Sager
Re: [ARSCLIST] artist fees and contracts (was: 78s relatively ine xpensive? I disagree),
Prentice, Will
[ARSCLIST] KAB better URL for the product,
Eugene Hertz
Re: [ARSCLIST] substitute for Kodak Lens Cleaner
Graham Newton
Re: [ARSCLIST] substitute for Kodak Lens Cleaner
[ARSCLIST] Speed correction equipment.,
Don Saklad
Re: [ARSCLIST] Speed correction equipment.
Richard L. Hess
[ARSCLIST] Identifying the recording lathe - the beef,
George Brock-Nannestad
[ARSCLIST] Identifying the recording lathe - advertisement,
George Brock-Nannestad
[ARSCLIST] Can You Identify This Tune? [78-l] [ARSCLIST],
John Mehlberg
Re: [ARSCLIST] Is this 1929 Harmony Recording Acoustic? (Harmony 308H),
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Is this 1929 Harmony Recording Acoustic? (Harmony 308H)
Re: [ARSCLIST] Is this 1929 Harmony Recording Acoustic? (Harmony 308H)
[ARSCLIST] Fair Use,
Don Saklad
Re: [ARSCLIST] Historical off air recordings. Boston Symphony Orchestra broadcasts.,
Don Saklad
Re: [ARSCLIST] Historical off air recordings. Boston Symphony Orchestra broadcasts.
Steven C. Barr
[ARSCLIST] -Misspellings corrected. Historical off air recordings. Boston Symphony Orchestra broadcasts.,
Don Saklad
Re: [ARSCLIST] -Misspellings corrected. Historical off air recordings. Boston Symphony Orchestra broadcasts.
Karl Miller
Re: [ARSCLIST] -Misspellings corrected. Historical off air recordings. Boston Symphony Orchestra broadcasts.
Mike Richter
Re: [ARSCLIST] -Misspellings corrected. Historical off air recordings. Boston Symphony Orchestra broadcasts.
Karl Miller
Re: [ARSCLIST] -Misspellings corrected. Historical off air recordings. Boston Symphony Orchestra broadcasts.
Don Cox
Re: [ARSCLIST] -Misspellings corrected. Historical off air recordings. Boston Symphony Orchestra broadcasts.
Steven C. Barr
[ARSCLIST] Historical off air recordings. Boston Sysmphony Orchestra broadcasts.,
Don Saklad
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Historical off air recordings. Boston Sysmphony Orchestra broadcasts.
Don Saklad
[ARSCLIST] 2003 National Recording Registry Announced,
Mary R Bucknum
Re: [ARSCLIST] Harmony label (and other things),
Copeland, Peter
Re: [ARSCLIST] Harmony label (and other things)
Steven C. Barr
Re: [ARSCLIST] Harmony label (and other things)
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] Harmony label (and other things)
Steven C. Barr
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Harmony label (and other things)
Paul Charosh
Re: [ARSCLIST] 78s relatively inexpensive? I disagree (was Victor film),
James L Wolf
Re: [ARSCLIST] 78s relatively inexpensive? I disagree (was Victor film)
Mike Richter
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] 78s relatively inexpensive? I disagree (was Victor film)
Matt Love
Re: [ARSCLIST] 78s relatively inexpensive? I disagree (was Victor film)
[ARSCLIST] RCA Victor record plant film available on DVD,
Graham Newton
Re: [ARSCLIST] 78s relatively inexpensive? I disagree (was Victor film)
Steven C. Barr
Re: [ARSCLIST] 78s relatively inexpensive? I disagree (was Victor film)
Steven C. Barr
Re: [ARSCLIST] Harmony label,
Dick Spottswood
Re: [ARSCLIST] Harmony label
Steven C. Barr
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Harmony label
david diehl
[ARSCLIST] Long term in print recordings -was: Gould Golbergs,
Re: [ARSCLIST] Long term in print recordings -was: Gould Golbergs
Steven C. Barr
Re: [ARSCLIST] Long term in print recordings -was: Gould Golbergs
Don Cox
[ARSCLIST] ARSCList Archives Update,
Mary R Bucknum
[ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference 2005,
Steve Ramm
Steve Ramm
[ARSCLIST] Outboard ADC recommendations,
Vernon Miller
Re: [ARSCLIST] Outboard ADC recommendations
Don Cox
Re: [ARSCLIST] Outboard ADC recommendations
Rod Stephens
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Outboard ADC recommendations
Vernon A. Miller
[ARSCLIST] Cash Reward Offered For Information,
[ARSCLIST] Nakamichi Dragon Questions,
andy kolovos
Re: [ARSCLIST] Nakamichi Dragon Questions
[ARSCLIST] A-D converters and sound cards,
Jay Gaidmore
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] A-D converters and sound cards
Mike Richter
Louise Spear
[ARSCLIST] joint sessions at ARSC-SAM in Cleveland,
Louise Spear
[ARSCLIST] Ask Telarc!,
Louise Spear
[ARSCLIST] Two Questions--CD-R burning,
andy kolovos
[ARSCLIST] Carrie Bickner/MHT/Nypl is out of the office.,
Carrie Bickner
[ARSCLIST] New western swing release on OJL,
Cary Ginell
[ARSCLIST] Repairing cracked 78s,
Andrew Brown
Re: [ARSCLIST] Glenn Gould and The Goldberg Variations (1955)
Aaron Luis Levinson
Re: [ARSCLIST] 25Hz - 60Hz issues,
George Brock-Nannestad
Re: [ARSCLIST] 25Hz - 60Hz issues
Steven C. Barr
[ARSCLIST] SAM Brass Band in Cleveland,
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] SAM Brass Band in Cleveland
Cary Ginell
[ARSCLIST] 16 2/3 rpm,
[ARSCLIST] Odd Speed,
Marie O'Connell
Re: [ARSCLIST] Odd Speed
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] Odd Speed
Aaron Luis Levinson
Re: [ARSCLIST] Odd Speed
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Odd Speed
Re: [ARSCLIST] Odd Speed
Re: [ARSCLIST] Odd Speed
[ARSCLIST] SV: [ARSCLIST] refresh plan,
Lars Gaustad
[ARSCLIST] appraisal,
Re: [ARSCLIST] appraisal
Re: [ARSCLIST] appraisal
Steven Smolian
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] appraisal
[ARSCLIST] refresh plan,
Holly Dzyban
Re: [ARSCLIST] refresh plan
Richard L. Hess
Re: [ARSCLIST] refresh plan
Steven C. Barr
Re: [ARSCLIST] Appraisal of Sound Recordings,
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] Appraisal of Sound Recordings
Steven C. Barr
Re: [ARSCLIST] Appraisal of Sound Recordings
David S Sager
Re: [ARSCLIST] Appraisal of Sound Recordings
Copeland, Peter
Re: [ARSCLIST] Southern California chapter ??,
David Lewis
Re: [ARSCLIST] New York chapter ??,
Susan Stinson
Re: [ARSCLIST] Southern California chapter ??
Pete Tinker
David S Sager
David S Sager
Copeland, Peter
[ARSCLIST] Sound Archives. Boston Public Library.,
Don Saklad
Re: [ARSCLIST] Sound Archives. Boston Public Library.
Frank Strauss
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Sound Archives. Boston Public Library.
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