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[ARSCLIST] Ask Telarc!

Greetings, ARSC-SAM conferees:

On Saturday morning, from 10:45-11:45 a.m., we will have a special opportunity to hear from the two founders of Telarc International:  Jack Renner, Chairman and Chief Recording Engineer, and Robert Woods, President and Senior Producer.  If you have a special interest or specific question, they invite you to ask in advance so that there will be time to cover what you want to know!


To get you started, here's their paper title and abstract --

"The Telarc Story--From Direct-to-Disc and the Cleveland Orchestra...to DSD...and Beyond"

Although it began as a classical-only recording company in 1977, Telarc International now boasts a catalog of more than 600 recordings, ranging from classical, classical-crossover, jazz, contemporary jazz, and blues.  The company releases close to fifty-five recordings each year, working with a distinguished roster of artists and backed by an outstanding staff of more than fifty employees in its Cleveland-based headquarters.  Who and what enabled this comparatively small, independent American company to achieve this revered position?  Learn how it is still successfully challenging the majors in the recording industry and what it is doing to keep its leading edge.

Thanks for your participation -- Louise

Louise Spear
ARSC Program Committee Chair
The GRAMMY Foundation
3402 Pico Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90405
telephone:  310-392-3777
fax:  310-392-2188
email:  LouiseS@xxxxxxxxxx

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