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[ARSCLIST] Nakamichi Dragon Questions


I posted a two parter yesterday and neglected to mention in the subject
line that while part 1 dealt with CD-R burning, part 2 dealt with some
questions regarding the Nak Dragon.

I'm going to assume since folks on the list are usually very happy to
discuss the Dragon at length, people who might have been interested in
addressing my questions regarding it saw the subject "CD-R Burning," wanted
to vomit and then deleted the message.

If I'm wrong, please forgive the repost--I'm just information needy right now.

Here's the reprinted text of the first message:

We've gotten a small amount of grant money to buy a hot cassette deck.  I'm
opting for a Nakamichi Dragon.

A. I'm following Ebay, but anybody on the list have one for sale?

B. Since I imagine that we'll have to have the deck serviced to bring it up
to snuff, can anyone recommend someone with the chops to work on a Nakamchi
Dragon in Vermont, or more broadly New England or the Northeast?

C. How hard is it to get spare cosmetic parts such as the play button cover
and the like?

Once more, sorry about the repost.

Andy Kolovos
Vermont Folklife Center
P.O. Box 442
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-4964

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