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Re: [ARSCLIST] New York chapter ??

Certainly, we can include southern Ontario - that could potentially bring at least three of you.  We need ten members attending quarterly meetings each year.  We should be able to do this - all you Upstate New Yorkers and southern Canadians let me know that you are interested.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Susan Stinson" <Ststinso@xxxxxxx>
> There was some discussion several years ago of forming an Upstate New York
>Chapter.  I can't do all the planning, etc. but will host meetings, since
>Syracuse is in the center of the state and somewhat easily accessible from
>all directions.  I know there are at least ten people that are potential
>members.  If anyone is interested, let's get up a group - have the first
>meeting this summer.  (The snow will be gone, for one thing.)

Well, IF they ever make it possible once again tp cross the border
easily...and IF they actually get the
Toronto-Rochester ferry running and it proves to be economically
You might consider including southern Ontario, since I don't know if it
could maintain a chapter...

Susan T Stinson, Curator
Belfer Audio Laboratory and Archive
Syracuse University Library
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010
315-443-3477 / fax 443-4866

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