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[ARSCLIST] Fw: Gennett again

Is this as big a boondoggle as it appears?

----- Forwarded by Dick Spottswood/dick/AmericanU on 03/24/2004 12:45 PM -----
Eddie Dean <edean@xxxxxxxxxx>

03/24/2004 12:18 PM

        To:        Dick Spottswood <dick@xxxxxxxx>
        Subject:        Gennett again

More from Gennett...

>From: "Elizabeth Surles" <esurles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: "Western Wayne News" <wwnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Hagerstown Expo" <hag.expo@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "JazzAdvocate" <jazzadvocate@xxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Darrel Gray" <darrelgray@xxxxxxxx>,
>    "Eddie Dean" <edean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Jan Uebelherr" <juebelhe@xxxxxxxxx>, "Larry Nager" <lnager@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Lisa Allen" <lisa.allen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Millicent Martin" <mmartin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "New York Times Arts and Entertainment News Director"
> <the-arts@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Steve" <steveb@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Washington Post Music News Director" <music@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Ann Thompson" <athompson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Art Howard"
> <press@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Bill Wahl" <billwahl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Carol Simmons" <carol_simmons@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Chicago Sun-Times" <showcase@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Columbus Free Press" <Truth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Howard Reich" <hreich@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Indianapolis Recorder" <newsroom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Juke Blues" <juke@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Marty Harris" <newsroom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Michele Kinsey" <mkinsey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Michele Toney" <mtoney@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Mike Breen"
> <letters@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    "Rick Bird" <rbird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "WCTV" <WCTV@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Media Release
>Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 11:33:46 -0500
>Organization: Starr-Gennett Foundation
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
>X-RBL-Warning: HELOBOGUS: Domain DH4L3111 returns a server failure for MX
>or A records. [2-26-d000]
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>X-RBL-Warning: WEIGHT10: Total weight between 10 and 19. [2-67-21800]
>X-RBL-Warning: HELOBOGUS: Domain DH4L3111 returns a server failure for MX
>or A records. [1-26-d000]
>X-Declude-Sender: esurles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx []
>X-Declude-Spoolname: Db73cb5bd00ba9891.SMD
>X-Spam-Tests-Failed: HELOBOGUS [6], IPNOTINMX [0], CMDSPACE [8], WEIGHT10 [10]
>X-Total-Weight: 12
>X-Note: This E-mail was scanned by Declude JunkMail (www.declude.com) for
>clip_image002.gif<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
>"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
>Media Release
>Contact: Elizabeth Surles, Project Coordinator
>Address: <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns =
>"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />33 South 7th St., Richmond,
>IN 47374
>Email:  <mailto:esurles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>esurles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Phone:  (765) 962-1511
>Website:  www.starrgennett.org
>Starr-Gennett Foundation Awarded $43,700 to Save Recordings
>For Immediate Release:  MARCH 24, 2003, RICHMOND, IN:  The Starr-Gennett
>Foundation is pleased to announce the impending launch of a grant-funded
>project to digitize 400 Gennett and related subsidiary label 78 rpm
>phonograph records in the Foundation s collection.  Upon the project s
>completion in the summer of 2006, the recordings will be available through
>a searchable online archive.  The bulk of the project will be funded by a
>generous $38,000 grant from the Recording Academy.  The Wayne County,
>Indiana Foundation also awarded a $5,500 grant to fund the remainder of
>the project.
>This is absolutely fantastic! exclaims the Foundation s Project
>Coordinator Elizabeth Surles.  The project will greatly aid our efforts to
>save Richmond, Indiana s rich musical heritage in a very direct and
>accessible way.  Our collection of recordings contains a good sampling of
>the wide musical variety on Gennett and related labels like Champion and
>Starr, and now we ll be better able to share this historic music with the
>public.  The support of the Recording Academy and the Wayne County
>Foundation really points to the importance of saving this history.
>The project involves several steps.  The records must first be carefully
>cleaned.  Once cleaned, the 78 rpm shellac phonograph recordings are
>placed in archival-quality sleeves and carefully transferred to a digital
>format.  Many of the recordings to be transferred were originally made
>without electricity, and the transfer process necessitates special audio
>equipment designed for archival sound transfer.  CD copies of the
>recordings will be made and added to the Foundation s permanent
>collection.  These CD copies will be accessible through the Foundation s
>office in Richmond and through the Foundation s website via streamed sound
>files, which will be searchable and offered free of charge.
>The bulk of the funding will come from the National Academy of Recording
>Arts and Sciences National Professional Education Committee, which is part
>of the GRAMMY Foundation.  The Recording Academy offers grants for efforts
>that advance the archiving and preservation of the music and recorded
>sound heritage of the Americas.  The Wayne County, Indiana Foundation
>granted funds from the Jeffers Family Fund, the Lilly Fund, and the
>Kleinknecht Endowment.  When asked about the project, President and CEO of
>the Wayne County, Indiana Foundation, Charles Ball said, The Wayne County
>Foundation is happy to be able to help the Starr-Gennett Foundation
>preserve and make this material available to people around the world.
>Richmond, Indiana s historic Starr Piano Company recorded, pressed, and
>distributed some of the best early jazz, blues, old-time country, and
>gospel records in the 1920s and 30s on Gennett and other labels.  More
>information is available at
><http://www.starrgennett.org>www.starrgennett.org.  Contact Elizabeth
>Surles for pictures and sound clips.

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