Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List - Subject Thread Index for Aug 2007

Last updated: Fri Oct 05 04:40:43 GMT 2007
235 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in
reverse chronological order
[ARSCLIST] easy way to reverse tape?,
Eric Jacobs
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] easy way to reverse tape?
John Bondurant
Re: [ARSCLIST] easy way to reverse tape?
Robert Hodge
[ARSCLIST] Advice needed on audio cassette cases,
Re: [ARSCLIST] Advice needed on audio cassette cases
Steven C. Barr(x)
Re: [ARSCLIST] Advice needed on audio cassette cases
Wasserman, Robert A - WHS
Re: [ARSCLIST] Advice needed on audio cassette cases
Steven C. Barr(x)
[ARSCLIST] Slotless 7" reels and boxes,
Richard L. Hess
[ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference Proposals Due Sept 10,
David Giovannoni (ARSC)
[ARSCLIST] Supplies for transporting LP collections,
Bertram Lyons
Re: [ARSCLIST] Supplies for transporting LP collections
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] Supplies for transporting LP collections
Larry Friedman
Re: [ARSCLIST] Supplies for transporting LP collections
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] Supplies for transporting LP collections
Steven C. Barr(x)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Supplies for transporting LP collections
[ARSCLIST] Final Reminder: ARSC Conference 2008 -- Call for Presentations,
Bill Klinger
[ARSCLIST] Hall-ooo-oo-oo?!?!,
Steven C. Barr(x)
[ARSCLIST] Travis Tapak Recorder,
Andy Lanset
[ARSCLIST] Denon quarter-inch decks?,
Jeffrey Kane
[ARSCLIST] Travis Tapak tape recorder,
Andy Lanset
[ARSCLIST] Ann: nominations for the Brenda McCallum Prize,
Stephanie Aileen Hall
[ARSCLIST] Commercial - New auction list now available - a Garage Sale!,
Hawthorn's Antique Audio
Re: [ARSCLIST] Commercial - New auction list now available - a Garage Sale!
Steven C. Barr(x)
[ARSCLIST] Analog NTSC from digital,
Sammy Jones
[ARSCLIST] FW: search for a master tape/William Flanagan,
Adrienne Cardwell
[ARSCLIST] reg email,
Eugene DeAnna
[ARSCLIST] Blu-Ray gets the BetaMax treatment
Tom Fine
[ARSCLIST] help,
Lani Spahr
[ARSCLIST] Asch - Signature releases,
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] Background music & effects library seeking good home,
Rick Prelinger
Farris Wahbeh
Re: [ARSCLIST] IRENE article
Farris Wahbeh
Re: [ARSCLIST] IRENE article and the future
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] IRENE article and the future
Jeffrey Kane
Re: [ARSCLIST] IRENE article and the future
Marcos Sueiro
Re: [ARSCLIST] IRENE article
Milan P. Milovanovic
Re: [ARSCLIST] IRENE article
George Brock-Nannestad
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] IRENE article
[ARSCLIST] TAPE resources online,
Dave Radlauer
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] TAPE resources online
Tommy Sjöberg
Re: [ARSCLIST] TAPE resources online
Tommy Sjöberg
[ARSCLIST] commands,
Lani Spahr
[ARSCLIST] SAA Performing Arts Roundtable meeting in Chicago,
Helice Koffler
[ARSCLIST] blooper samples?,
Michael Erard
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Matthew Barton
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Steve Abrams
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Matt Sohn
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Matthew Barton
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Malcolm Rockwell
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Mike Richter
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
John Ross
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Karl Miller
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Robert Hodge
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Robert Hodge
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Paul Charosh
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Jeff Willens
Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?
Robert Hodge
[ARSCLIST] Deutsche Grammophon Spotlight - Russell Oberlin Handel,
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] help requested - identify Josh White LP,
Thomas Stern
Re: [ARSCLIST] help requested - identify Josh White LP
Doug Henkle
[ARSCLIST] Off-topic request,
Roger and Allison Kulp
[ARSCLIST] Tape restoration for newbies,
Joel Bresler
[ARSCLIST] Lone Ranger in the National Recording Registry,
[ARSCLIST] Dictabel questions,
Maryrose Grossman
[ARSCLIST] 10" record shelving available,
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] 10" record shelving available
Thomas Stern
Re: [ARSCLIST] 10" record shelving available
David Breneman
Re: [ARSCLIST] 10" record shelving available
Steven C. Barr(x)
Re: [ARSCLIST] 10" record shelving available
Kurt Nauck
[ARSCLIST] Transcripts in archives,
Ganesh . Irelan
Re: [ARSCLIST] Transcripts in archives
Craig Breaden
[ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference 2008 -- Call for Presentations,
Bill Klinger
[ARSCLIST] RAMON MONTOYA data requested,
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] Test (okeh, TWO of 'em...!)...,
Steven C. Barr(x)
[ARSCLIST] Sustainable Building Practices and Preservation Symposium,
Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa
Re: [ARSCLIST] Play talleys [Early recorded film music library records wanted],
[ARSCLIST] Preservation Reformatting Issue: Cassette Tapes Separating from Reels,
Hendrickson Paige Ctr AEDC/IIA
[ARSCLIST] Preservation Reformatting Issue: Cassette Tapes Separating from Reels,
Hendrickson Paige Ctr AEDC/IIA
Re: [ARSCLIST] Preservation Reformatting Issue: Cassette Tapes Separating from Reels
Parker Dinkins
[ARSCLIST] Private equity firm buys 90% of EMI,
Roger and Allison Kulp
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends,
John Bondurant
[ARSCLIST] two inch or not two inch,
Re: [ARSCLIST] July/August issue of Black Grooves,
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] July/August issue of Black Grooves
Scott Phillips
Re: [ARSCLIST] July/August issue of Black Grooves
Aaron Levinson
Re: [ARSCLIST] July/August issue of Black Grooves
Scott Phillips
Re: [ARSCLIST] July/August issue of Black Grooves
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] July/August issue of Black Grooves
Aaron Levinson
Re: [ARSCLIST] July/August issue of Black Grooves
Brandon Burke
[ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Steven Smith, King of the House, Inc.
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Frank Strauss
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
David Lennick
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
David Lennick
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
phillip holmes
[ARSCLIST] Quarter-track / 4-track tape deck for sale
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Steven Smith, King of the House, Inc.
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Steven Smith, King of the House, Inc.
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
David Lennick
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
David Lennick
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
phillip holmes
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Steven C. Barr(x)
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Steven C. Barr(x)
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Don Cox
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Steven C. Barr(x)
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Don Cox
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Steven C. Barr(x)
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
David Lennick
[ARSCLIST] Does anyone know.....
Scott Phillips
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Steven Smith, King of the House, Inc.
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Bob Olhsson
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Steven C. Barr(x)
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Bob Olhsson
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends
Bob Olhsson
Re: [ARSCLIST] July/August issue of Black Grooves
Don Cox
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Aaron Levinson
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Malcolm Rockwell
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Parker Dinkins
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Schooley, John
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Parker Dinkins
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Roger and Allison Kulp
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Aaron Levinson
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Malcolm Rockwell
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Aaron Levinson
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Malcolm Rockwell
[ARSCLIST] interesting
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] John Stephens's passing
Rod Stephens
[ARSCLIST] Appraisers sought
Greg Budney
Re: [ARSCLIST] Appraisers sought
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] John Stephens's passing
Angie Dickinson Mickle
Re: [ARSCLIST] John Stephens's passing
Rod Stephens
Re: [ARSCLIST] John Stephens's passing
Scott D. Smith
Re: [ARSCLIST] John Stephens's passing
Rod Stephens
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Don Cox
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Roger and Allison Kulp
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Roger and Allison Kulp
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP
Steven C. Barr(x)
[ARSCLIST] MERCURY RECORDS Rockabilly C&W Bio-Booklet 50's PROMO - (item 260144098761 end time Aug-06-07 17:00:00 PDT),
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] Early recorded film music library records wanted,
Dr. Rainer E. Lotz c/o Birgit Lotz Verlag
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