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Re: [ARSCLIST] John Stephens's passing

For those of you who have benefited from John's inventions and developments in the fields of sound and video (and many more disciplines), as his brother I wish to include you all as friends and clients who would like to wish him bon voyage in his final exploration into the ultimate knowledge. My other brother, Kempton Stephens, has written this epitaph.

Dear Friends of John Stephens,

John passed away this afternoon, Monday August 6, 2007 at 2:25pm.

Amporn and I had the sincere opportunity of enjoying John's company in our home in Sacramento for just less than a month.

We had picked John up July 13th from Astoria Nursing Home in Sylmar, CA with the hopes that he would have more time left and might benefit by the stimulation of being closer to family.

In our rented van we had folded the seats down and had a large thick piece of foam for him to ride more comfortably, with Amporn in the back ready to attend to him. With his usual childlike enthusiasm, he soon signaled to us that he wanted to be up higher, in a seat to be able to view the scenery...this was his first venture out in over 9 months and he wanted to be able to take it all in!

In Sacramento, we soon had the routine down and Hospice was excellent in providing the necessary bed, wheelchairs, supplies, prescriptions etc and visited every few days to give support..

John was the most patient, patient in the world, as we would have to move him, change him and try to feed him several times a day. Each time it was painful for him and he humored us with our incessant cajoling, in trying to get him to eat or drink...sometimes he would momentarily show his displeasure with a low growl but then slowly break into that classic John Stephens smile, just to let us know that he understood and was amused at our futile attempts.

So if I am not mistaken, John may be on the ultimate space journey right now, smiling that smile, as he contemplates the irony ....

I know he appreciated knowing each of you, those who are family, friends and those who inspired him in the brilliant work that he did.

John, you will be missed; by many carbon-based life forms on this planet as well as the amazing silicon ones you created!


Rod Stephens

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