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Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference Proposals Due Sept 10


Sorry -  I didn't edit the send to line. My bad.

David N. Lewis
Assistant Classical Editor, All Music Guide
1168 Oak Valley Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
734 887 8145
"Music - that art at once divine and satanic: more than all the others, it
leads us into temptation!" - Franz Liszt, December 1, 1877

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Lewis
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 3:01 PM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference Proposals Due Sept 10



Call for Presentations

ARSC Annual Conference

Stanford University     March 26-29, 2008


ARSC invites proposals for presentations at its 42nd annual conference, to
be held March 26-29 2008 on the campus of Stanford University near Palo
Alto, California.


ARSC is dedicated to preserving and studying sound recordings in all genres
of music, speech, and sound - in all formats and from all periods.  ARSC
welcomes presentations on all aspects of recorded sound of interest to our
community of collectors, historians, musicians, preservationists, and
archivists.  In general, we seek demonstrations, papers, and panels that are
informative and well organized, display a passion about their subjects, and
include compelling audio and/or visual content.  In 2008, we especially
welcome presentations that showcase Stanford University and the greater Bay


Presentation proposals are due September 10, 2007.  Receipt will be
acknowledged by e-mail, and presenters will be notified of acceptance by
November 30, 2007.


David Giovannoni

ARSC Program Chair






This electronic version of the proposal can be completed using your word
processor.  Save this form to your hard drive, fill in the information
below, save the revised document, and send it as an email attachment to
dgio-arsc@xxxxxxxxxxxx    You may also print this form and submit it by fax
to 240-238-6489.

Call for Presentations                                   ARSC Conference



Name(s) of presenter(s):

David N. Lewis

Institution (if applicable):

All Media Guide

Mailing address:



1168 Oak Valley Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108




734 887 8145

Title of presentation:

Living in a Whole World of Music: The Henry Cowell Collection



Please include an abstract of up to 250 words for review and publication.
You may paste it here or submit it as a separate document.

Menlo Park, California native Henry Cowell (1897-1965) is best known as a
pioneering experimental composer, as the man who coined the term "tone
cluster" and as author of the book "New Musical Resources. Not nearly so
well is his critically influential and equally pioneering work as a
collector and broadcaster in the field music, as editor of the series "Music
of the World's Peoples" and founder of New Music Quarterly Recordings, the
first label devoted to Contemporary music. Uncle Dave will present this
survey of Cowell utilizing materials in the Cowell Collection at the New
York Public Library and other sources.


Please indicate each of the following options with an 'X': 

I plan to deliver the presentation

            __X_ alone                              ___ as one of ___

I can do a great presentation in

            ___ 20 minutes                         _X__ 35 minutes

            (note that we allot additional time for questions and

I will need (check all that apply)

            ___ to connect my ___PC laptop or ___ Mac laptop into the PA and

            _X__ a Windows PC on which to run my PowerPoint presentation
(Mac not supported)

            _X__ an audio CD player connected to the PA system

            ___ an audio cassette player connected to the PA system

            ___ a DVD player connected to the PA system and projector

                       (US standard: NTSC, Region 1 or Universal encoding)

            ___ other (please explain)


With regret and acknowledged irony, we note our inability to support dead
media, including (but not limited to) audio disc, audiotape, videodisc, or
videotape formats not specified above, as well as overheads, 35mm or magic
lantern slides, or other transparencies.  We welcome demonstrations of
historic audio equipment provided and operated by presenters.


Presenters are expected to register for the conference.  Presenters grant
ARSC the right to record and distribute their conference presentations.
Presenters are encouraged to provide copies of their audio, visual, and/or
PowerPoint files for distribution with the conference recordings.





            __David N. Lewis
8-28-2007__________________________            ____________________________













David N. Lewis

Assistant Classical Editor, All Music Guide

1168 Oak Valley Dr.

Ann Arbor, MI 48108

734 887 8145


"Music - that art at once divine and satanic: more than all the others, it
leads us into temptation!" - Franz Liszt, December 1, 1877


-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Giovannoni (ARSC)
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 2:09 PM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference Proposals Due Sept 10


If you've been thinking about presenting at next year's conference at
Stanford ... now's the time to act!


Proposals for presentations are due September 10th.


A number of proposals are already in hand.  Several members have offered
some outstanding ideas and I eagerly await their proposals.

And given the extraordinary expertise and experience of all members, I know
there are other excellent presentations just waiting to

be given.


Please download the proposal form the ARSC website:




Then e-mail me off-list if you have questions or would like help formulating
your ideas.


I hope you'll add your presentation to this exciting lineup.


    David Giovannoni

    Program Chair

     <mailto:dgio-arsc@xxxxxxxxxxx> dgio-arsc@xxxxxxxxxxx

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