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Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Geniuses/ASCAP

On 03/08/07, Malcolm Rockwell wrote:

> Shuggie Otis is pretty well known in California, even today. He has
> had numerous bands around the San Francisco Bay Area for years. In
> fact one of the best pick-up drummers in the area, Bob Hobbs, is an
> old running mate of mine and has worked with Shuggie off and on for
> the past 25 years. I will admit that Shuggie is somewhat obscure
> elsewhere. I can't understand why Lonnie Johnson is on your list,
> though. Lonnie is one of the great Blues guitarists. Underrated,
> yes... obscure, no. Mal Rockwell
Lonnie Johnson was the only one on that list that I had heard of.

The rest are perhaps mainly of American interest?

Don Cox

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