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Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?

My favourite Kermit Schafer blooper is the introduction to the country music song "There's an empty bunk in the cathouse tonight."

I am also partial to the Duck and Duchess of Windsor and the 21 Sun galoot.

One I remember that is not a spoonerism came from a radio play about Abe Lincoln featuring Raymond Massey. As the train pulled out of the station the extras called out - "Good-bye Abe", "Have a good trip", "Good-bye. President Lincoln," Then a rather diffident voice called out meekly, "Good-bye, Mr. Massey."

Does anyone know whether the BBC children's programme item that ends with "Throw your balls up in the air and play with them" is legit.?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Aaron Levinson" <aaron.levinson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] blooper samples?

The record you mention was compiled by Kermit Schaeffer and was called, I think, Best Of The Bloopers. These collections were quite popular in their time. I think these may have been mail order products advertised on UHF stations but my memory may be faulty in this regard. I recall all those bloopers too...to my pre-adolescent sensibility these uncensored moments were quite hilarious.


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