ARSC Recorded Sound Discussion List- Subject Thread Index for 04 2009

Last updated: Fri May 01 02:02:28 GMT 2009
282 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in
reverse chronological order
[ARSCLIST] wire recordings - archival storage,
Tracy Popp
[ARSCLIST] Delirium in Hi Fi (was: wire recordings - archival storage)
Michael Biel
Re: [ARSCLIST] wire recordings - archival storage
Angie Dickinson Mickle
Re: [ARSCLIST] wire recordings - archival storage
Scott D. Smith
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] wire recordings - archival storage
Rick Schmidlin
[ARSCLIST] Vinyl Recorder,
Marcos Sueiro Bal
[ARSCLIST] Jazz, Los Angeles area, Jerry Pellegrino (piano),
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] audio consultant,
Wilkens, Ann
Re: [ARSCLIST] audio consultant
Robert Cham
[ARSCLIST] Fw: [ARSCLIST] Poly cassette cases?,
Lou Houck
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Fw: [ARSCLIST] Poly cassette cases?
Brandon Burke
Lou Houck
[ARSCLIST] Regluing LP labels,
Brian McMillan, Mr.
[ARSCLIST] Rbt Parker, was PACKBURN 323A,
Doug Pomeroy
[ARSCLIST] NAVCC Pre-Conference Tour -- now full,
Bill Klinger
[ARSCLIST] Poly cassette cases?,
Brandon Burke
[ARSCLIST] Unsubscribe please,
Richard Bernas
[ARSCLIST] Looking for Roxy's Gang/Roxy Radio Hour sources,
Jack Theakston
Re: [ARSCLIST] Looking for Roxy's Gang/Roxy Radio Hour sources
Michael Shoshani
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Looking for Roxy's Gang/Roxy Radio Hour sources
Michele Hilmes
[ARSCLIST] Don't miss museums in DC if you are coming to ARSC Conference,
Steve Ramm
Re: [ARSCLIST] Losing New Master Recordings,
Brandon Burke
[ARSCLIST] Minstrel Records & Liberty Music Shop -- Lists Available,
Jack Raymond
Re: [ARSCLIST] Minstrel Records & Liberty Music Shop -- Lists Available
Jack Raymond
[ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference 2009 -- Final Reminder,
Bill Klinger
[ARSCLIST] Who Or What Was "The Can Corner",
Garr Norick
[ARSCLIST] DSpace experiences?,
Andy Kolovos
Re: [ARSCLIST] Losing New Master Recordings
David Seubert
Re: [ARSCLIST] Losing New Master Recordings
Ted Kendall
Re: [ARSCLIST] Losing New Master Recordings
Dave Lewis
Re: [ARSCLIST] Losing New Master Recordings
Richard L. Hess
Re: [ARSCLIST] Losing New Master Recordings
Jim Sam
Re: [ARSCLIST] Losing New Master Recordings
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] Losing New Master Recordings
Dave Lewis
Re: [ARSCLIST] Shelf stack (box) archiving of 10" 78rpm disks,
Michael Biel
[ARSCLIST] Dot Records,
Tyrone Settlemier
Jan Myren
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Dot Records
Roger and Allison Kulp
[ARSCLIST] Eccentricity of LP's / spindle hole or OD?,
Ken Fritz
Re: [ARSCLIST] Eccentricity of LP's / spindle hole or OD?
carlstephen koto
Re: [ARSCLIST] Eccentricity of LP's / spindle hole or OD?
Roderic G Stephens
Re: [ARSCLIST] Eccentricity of LP's / spindle hole or OD?
Steven Smolian
[ARSCLIST] Key Signatures
Kurt Nauck
Re: [ARSCLIST] Obscure Columbia record catalog...,
Roger and Allison Kulp
[ARSCLIST] ARSC TC Preservation Statement,
Bill Klinger
Re: [ARSCLIST] Shelf stack (box) archiving of 10" 78rpm disks
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] Shelf stack (box) archiving of 10" 78rpm disks
Steven C. Barr
Re: [ARSCLIST] Shelf stack (box) archiving of 10" 78rpm disks
Steven C. Barr
[ARSCLIST] German Weimar song,
Marcos Sueiro Bal
Re: [ARSCLIST] German Weimar song
B. George
[ARSCLIST] Record Store Day 4-18-09,
Jim Long
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Record Store Day 4-18-09
Michael Biel
Re: [ARSCLIST] Record Store Day 4-18-09
Roger and Allison Kulp
Re: [ARSCLIST] Good industrial-strength LP cartridge for spoken-word material,
Robert Cham
Re: [ARSCLIST] Good industrial-strength LP cartridge for spoken-word material/stanton,
Dan Nelson
Re: [ARSCLIST] Good industrial-strength LP cartridge for spoken-word material/stanton
Randal Baier
Re: [ARSCLIST] Good industrial-strength LP cartridge for spoken-word material/stanton
Ted Kendall
[ARSCLIST] history of digital audio exhibitions
Daniel Shiman
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Good industrial-strength LP cartridge for spoken-word material/stanton
Dan Nelson
[ARSCLIST] Cassette project,
Frank Strauss
Re: [ARSCLIST] Cassette project
Sanders, Cynthia Blake
Re: [ARSCLIST] Cassette project
Steven C. Barr
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] GOLDEN CHORDS 78rpm label info wanted,
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] D.C. Conference roommate needed,
Kelly Kress
[ARSCLIST] Reminder - ARSC NY Chapter Meeting - Tonight Thursday 4/16,
Dave Nolan Audio
[ARSCLIST] Reminder: What Would Woody Do? Restoration and Recession - THURSDAY,
Marcos Sueiro Bal
[ARSCLIST] Protecting LPs thru the mail,
Grant, Tyra
Re: [ARSCLIST] Protecting LPs thru the mail
Marie O'Connell
[ARSCLIST] Technics SL-D2 for sale
Tom Fine
[ARSCLIST] Shaking the trees -- seeking CBS News radio program from 1950
Tom Fine
[ARSCLIST] Good industrial-strength LP cartridge for spoken-word material
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] Good industrial-strength LP cartridge for spoken-word material
Roderic G Stephens
Re: [ARSCLIST] Technics SL-D2 for sale
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] Technics SL-D2 for sale
Matt Sohn
Re: [ARSCLIST] Protecting LPs thru the mail
Brandon Burke
Re: [ARSCLIST] Protecting LPs thru the mail
David Breneman
Re: [ARSCLIST] Protecting LPs thru the mail
David Breneman
Re: [ARSCLIST] Protecting LPs thru the mail
David Breneman
Re: [ARSCLIST] Protecting LPs thru the mail
Brandon Burke
Re: [ARSCLIST] Looking for vintage open reel tape machine,
Roderic G Stephens
[ARSCLIST] Alan Kelly's Catalogues - re-ordered,
[ARSCLIST] transfer engineers,
Malcolm Rockwell
Re: [ARSCLIST] transfer engineers
Stephen Anderson
Re: [ARSCLIST] transfer engineers
Scott D. Smith
[ARSCLIST] roommate for ARSC conference,
Hooyenga, Susan Marie
[ARSCLIST] April Issue of Black Grooves,
Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
[ARSCLIST] "The Sound Of History" with Martin,
Martin Fisher
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] "The Sound Of History" with Martin
Roger and Allison Kulp
[ARSCLIST] Vinyl pressing plants -- confirmed list as of 4/8/09,
Tom Fine
[ARSCLIST] PreRecorded Tape Duplicators,
carlstephen koto
Re: [ARSCLIST] PreRecorded Tape Duplicators
Michael Biel
Re: [ARSCLIST] PreRecorded Tape Duplicators
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] PreRecorded Tape Duplicators
Michael Biel
[ARSCLIST] network attached storage for a small studio
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] network attached storage for a small studio
Richard L. Hess
Re: [ARSCLIST] network attached storage for a small studio
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] PreRecorded Tape Duplicators
carlstephen koto
[ARSCLIST] Parking on Capitol Hill. Was ARSC Conference Hotel Block is Full,
Sam Brylawski
[ARSCLIST] "Paraclete Music Disc" label - INFORMATION WANTED Scriabine Yaffe 78rpm,
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] Conference Hotel Update!,
Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
[ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference Hotel Block is Full,
Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
[ARSCLIST] What Would Woody Do? Restoration and Recession,
Marcos Sueiro Bal
[ARSCLIST] Who is accepting old record collections?,
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] Who is accepting old record collections?
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] Who is accepting old record collections?
B. George
Re: [ARSCLIST] Who is accepting old record collections?
Tom Fine
Re: [ARSCLIST] Who is accepting old record collections?
Tom Fine
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Who is accepting old record collections?
Roger and Allison Kulp
[ARSCLIST] Digitized record catalogs,
Shelley, Anne E
[ARSCLIST] AMIA Call for Conference Proposals,
Laura Rooney
[ARSCLIST] ARChive partners with Columbia University,
B. George
[ARSCLIST] Audiovisual Self-Assessment Program (AvSAP) Update,
Jimi Jones
[ARSCLIST] AV Media Preservation Program in Denver, July 2009 - Register Now!,
Andrews, Kim
[ARSCLIST] recent newsletter article,
Malcolm Rockwell
Re: [ARSCLIST] recent newsletter article
Malcolm Rockwell
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] recent newsletter article
Cary Ginell
[ARSCLIST] OT - anyone know of a "radio" forum?,
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] Just recorded two more reels of 60+ year old tape,
Richard L. Hess
[ARSCLIST] largest archive, was Stanford's Archive],
[ARSCLIST] Michael Forman-WAAT, Newark NJ - anyone connected to this station in the 1940's ?,
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] Packburn 323A,
Jan Myren
Re: [ARSCLIST] Packburn 323A
Robert J Hodge
<Possible follow-ups>
Jan Myren
[ARSCLIST] Article about Stanford's Archive of Recorded Sound,
Brandon Burke
[ARSCLIST] Media Preservation Symposium/Guggenheim Museum - May 1st,
Tanisha Jones
Re: [ARSCLIST] Re print-thru - tails out,
Don Chichester
Re: [ARSCLIST] Re print-thru - tails out
Steven C. Barr
Re: [ARSCLIST] Re print-thru - tails out
Goran Finnberg
Re: [ARSCLIST] Re print-thru - tails out
Randal Baier
Re: [ARSCLIST] Re print-thru - tails out
Don Chichester
[ARSCLIST] Re print-thru,
Doug Pomeroy
Message not availableRe: [ARSCLIST] Re print-thru
Richard L. Hess
Re: [ARSCLIST] Re print-thru - tails out
Frances, Melodie
[ARSCLIST] 1937 shellac test pressing outperforms audio CD,
Eric Jacobs
Re: [ARSCLIST] 1937 shellac test pressing outperforms audio CD
Eric Jacobs
Re: [ARSCLIST] 1937 shellac test pressing outperforms audio CD
Richard L. Hess
Re: [ARSCLIST] 1937 shellac test pressing outperforms audio CD
Scott D. Smith
Re: [ARSCLIST] 1937 shellac test pressing outperforms audio CD
Tom Fine
[ARSCLIST] Victor shellac test pressing manufacturing question
Eric Jacobs
Re: [ARSCLIST] 1937 shellac test pressing outperforms audio CD
Doug Pomeroy
Re: [ARSCLIST] Old reel to reel 'echo' problem - thank you,
Frances, Melodie
Re: [ARSCLIST] Fats Waller aircheck set,
Robert J Hodge
Re: [ARSCLIST] Fats Waller aircheck set
Don Chichester
Re: [ARSCLIST] Fats Waller aircheck set
Michael Biel
Re: [ARSCLIST] John Cage's "4'33" Is This Week's iTunes Discovery Download,
Brandon Burke
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] John Cage's "4'33" Is This Week's iTunes Discovery Download
Bittel, Aaron M
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