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[ARSCLIST] AMIA Call for Conference Proposals

The AMIA Conference Committee invites submissions for session and workshop proposals for the 2009 AMIA Conference in St. Louis, MO.  
An important goal for the AMIA 2009 Conference is to present a balanced program - one that includes a wide variety of topics, cutting-edge discussions of technology, a balance of theory and practice, and invite new ideas and concepts that may stimulate additional interest, involvement and educational benefit. The program should address topics of concern to diverse perspectives and constituencies and to archivists at all levels of experience. 
The Association of Moving Image Archivists annual conference provides an opportunity for colleagues and those interested in the field to meet, share information and work together. For newcomers to this committed community, networking with other AMIA members and industry professionals is invaluable for professional development. 
For information about the Conference and the proposal process, go to  www.AMIAConference.com.  For information about AMIA, go to www.AMIAnet.org.


Laura Rooney
1313 N. Vine Street
Los Angeles, CA  90028
t. 323.463.1500
f. 323.463.1506
e. lrooney@xxxxxxxxxxx 

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