Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List - Subject Thread Index for May 2003

Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List

Last updated: Thu Oct 04 07:34:50 GMT 2007
114 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [ARSCLIST] Growing things..., Graham Newton
  • [ARSCLIST] Transfers and audio restoration..., Graham Newton
  • [ARSCLIST] Dewey Groom Radio Station Discs, Dismuke
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] cartridges, Kurt Nauck
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC COnference -0 Anyone for Jazz Wednesday night?, Steve Ramm
  • [ARSCLIST], Richard Warren
  • [ARSCLIST] shellac and acidity, alain . carou
  • [ARSCLIST] For those Coming to ARSC Conference in Philly, Steve Ramm
  • [ARSCLIST] Turntable for "78" playback, Divine Art Record Co
  • [ARSCLIST] Material for museum of audio history, Richard Warren
  • [ARSCLIST] price lists for work?, Language Laboratories and Archives
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] [AMIA-L] Tape binder heals itself?, Richard L. Hess
  • [ARSCLIST] Estiamting total hours of project, Leslie Winter
  • [ARSCLIST] Tape binder heals itself?, Richard L. Hess
  • [ARSCLIST] Research project on 5-inch Berliners, Richard Warren
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Tape Lubrication - Silicones, Mwcpc6
  • [ARSCLIST] ANOTHER POp Culture Event in Philly during ARSC Conference, Steve Ramm
  • [ARSCLIST] Tonight at the LIbrary of Congress, Bryan E Cornell
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC Award Finalists Announced, Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Sony PR-150 squeal, Leslie Winter
  • [ARSCLIST] FW: Audio archives metadata, Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC Silent Auction in Philly, Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
  • [ARSCLIST] FW: [AMIA-L] Orquesta Tipica Victor, Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
  • [ARSCLIST] Thanks, John Black
  • [ARSCLIST] Minidisc Life, Leslie Winter
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Lacquer Disk Sleeves, Kurt Nauck
  • [ARSCLIST] CD-R hub labels..., andy kolovos
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference Friday night walking tour, Steve Ramm
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference - Thursday night Jazz Dinner, Steve Ramm
  • [ARSCLIST] Evolution of audio recorders, Peoples, Curtis
  • [ARSCLIST] Digitizing project, John Black
  • [ARSCLIST] Connecticut Concert in memory of Dick Burns, Richard Warren
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: IASA Conference in Pretoria, Eva Fønss-Jørgensen
  • [ARSCLIST] Retro Vinyl CDs, Paul T. Jackson
  • [ARSCLIST] Jane Fonda Audio, Peoples, Curtis
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Are Any Overseas ARSCLIst members coming to the Conference?, Joav Shdema
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Cleaning Up Bad CDs, Jerome Hartke

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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