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[ARSCLIST] Dewey Groom Radio Station Discs

A few years ago, through a bulk purchase of 78 rpm records, I ended up
with a bunch of center start 78 rpm recording discs recorded by radio
station KSKY in Dallas, Texas.  The recordings are of a western group
called Dewey Groom and His Longhorns and the typewritten date on the
labels indicates that they were recorded in October and November of 1952
and January 1953.  You can view a scan of one of the labels at:

Since that kind of music is not my main interest, I just put them aside
and pretty much forgot about them.  I recently came across them and did
a Google search on Dewey Groom.  Turns out that he had a very well-known
western swing band and toured the country in the late '40s and early
'50s before he eventually opened the famous Longhorn Ballroom in Dallas
- an establishment that had once been owned by Groom's friend Bob
Wills.  Groom purchased the nightclub from none other than Lee Harvey
Oswald's assassin Jack Ruby.

Altogether there are 27 discs - 25 are two-sided and 2 are one-sided -
for a total of 52 sides.  Because the recordings are on recording discs
(the kind with three holes in a triangle around the spindle hole) and
the labels are typewritten, my thought is that they may very well be the
only existing copies of the performances.   If so, then I think it would
be a shame if the performances simply continued to sit silent in the
collection of someone who is not that big a fan of country.  They should
be heard by people who appreciate and are passionate about that kind of
music.  If the performances are unique, I would certainly be interested
in working with any record label that might consider issuing them to the
general public.  And if they have commercial value, I could definitely
use the extra money - perhaps in the form of a cut of the sales.

Unfortunately, since I am not into country, I am not familiar with any
such labels that might exist.  Does anyone here have any suggestion as
to who I might get in contact with?

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