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[ARSCLIST] ARSC COnference -0 Anyone for Jazz Wednesday night?

I don't want to keep posting the subject but I didn't want anyone to be left out.

I mentioned previously that there was a change in jazz nights.

On Wednesday night after the reception, I am going with a group to Chris' Jazz Cafe in Downtown Philly (we call downtown "Center City") to see the Jimmy Bruno Trio. Jiummy is a nationally known jazz guitarist. The club is small - also NOT smoke free. Cover is $5.00 I think.

Jimmy goes on at 9pm.

Because his drummer is the dean of the jazz pgm at the University of the Arts, he offered to hold seats for those of us going. So far there are 4 including Vinnie Pelote and Sue and Steve from the Naropa Institute in Colorado.

I MUST give them a number of seats to hold by Tuesday late morning.

So if anyone is interested, email OFF LIST at THE FOLLOWING email address: Stevenramm@xxxxxxxx
. This is the last event notice I have to post.


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