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Re: [ARSCLIST] Sony PR-150 squeal

Hi, Don and Marie,

Thanks, Don, for the link! I ordered a selection of stuff and it was done
in all of three minutes.

I took the battery apart and cleaned it--the carbon rod was too hard. Even
a wood #2 pencil was too hard. I ordered HB stuff and the graphite powder
from the art supply store. I like the concept of graphite for a variety of
reasons, including its benign-ness and want to try it some more.

I had good luck with Marie O'Connell's isopropynol technique and
transferred the reel. I did try baking after the graphite originally
failed. It did not seem to help using short baking times ( half hour) that
often bring success with other tapes--in fact, after cooling, I think it
was slightly worse for the baking. The limpness and the softness of the
tape led me to believe I didn't want to bake it 8 hours. I used 135 degrees F.

As I said, this was NOT classic sticky-shed.

There were deposits (more, I think after the short bake), but they were
very small compared to the normal 456-type sticky shed.

So the problem is solved, the client sounds happy and he understood the
extra effort involved in getting the tape transferred.

Thanks to all--and especially Marie!



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